Sunday, February 25, 2018

A cup espresso in Porto, Portugal

Back when I was in Porto, Portugal, one of my acquaintances texted me. She wrote that the name of Porto reminded her of fond memories of Porto as well as cups of espresso and glasses of Port Wine. That time, I already enjoyed a lot of things in Porto, but still haven't had a cup of espresso. So I started to enjoy it after read the text from her. Better late than never. The photo shows one of the cups of espresso which I had in Porto, Portugal. After Rio Douro Cruise, took a stroll around the city for a while and had a yummy Portuguese lunch at an eatery. After lunch, I ordered a cup of espresso.

My first beer in Barcelona

The photo shows my first glass of beer in Barcelona, Spain. The beer was on tap and I had it with a couple of kinds of tapas and authentic Paella. Since it was my arrival day in Barcelona, Spain, I did some ground research nearby my hotel with my camera in one hand. After that, I enjoyed having late lunch with some drinks at a pub. Very nice atmosphere there. Actually, I started my sightseeing from the second day in Barcelona, so the late lunch at the pub was one of my very nice fond memories on the arrival day in Barcelona. I have so many fond memories all the other days in Barcelona.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

So close, but yet so far

I took this photo in Vientiane, Laos. The river bank where I was standing in Vientiane, Laos is the place where you can view Nong Khai, Thailand over the Mekong river. The Mekong river is the border between Laos and Thailand. I've been to Laos twice, and actually this is my third photo which I have taken in Laos. The first photo was taken in my hotel room, the second photo was taken at Nam Phou (sometimes it's spelled Namphou). Nam Phou means fountain in English and it's situated in the heart of the capital. Anyway, the third photo was this.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

An empty glass of Stella Artois

I took this photo at a Belgium restaurant and bar in North Pattaya, Thailand. If my memory is correct, I drank up two pints of Stella Artois and the photo was taken after that. Stella Artois is my favourite beer, and I love its glass as well. So while I was waiting for my bill or something like that, I took a photo of the empty glass. When I'm in Thailand, normally I drink Thai beer, like Singha, Chang, Leo and so on and I love them, but sometimes I choose European beer like Stella Artis or Guinness and so on.