Saturday, January 16, 2016

A pint of Stella Artois at a British Pub in London

The photo shows a pint of Stella Artois which I had at a very nice British Pub near Paddington Railway Station in London, England, the United Kingdom. The pint of Stella was served with that genius head. According to my British acquaintance, people tend to say something obvious if their beer was served with large amount of head at a pub in England. I don't remember what exactly he said, but the phrase was 'Could I have some more beer for my head?' or like that. I asked him what it meant. He said it meant to pour more beer, not the head. Being a non-native English speaker myself, British phrases sound really polite and sometimes I don't understand what they really mean to say. Anyway, to sum up, the pint of Stella Artois on the photo is served as a way of British. Absolutely fabulous.

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