Tuesday, August 29, 2017

หมูกรอบทอด & ซอสศรีราชา

The photo shows หมูกรอบทอด which I had at an eatery in Central Pattaya, Thailand. หมูกรอบทอด is like deep-fried pork belly. It's a crispy one and goes very well with cold Thai beer. Normally, หมูกรอบทอด is served with some dipping sauce (Thai: นำ้จิ้ม, a.k.a. Nam chim), and the dipping sauce has a wide variety of ingredients depending on taste. My หมูกรอบทอด was served with some Sriracha sauce (Thai: ซอสศรีราชา). Speaking of Sriracha sauce, I really love to eat Thai omelette (Thai: ไข่เจียว) with Sriracha sauce. If you try once, you can't stop.

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