Monday, October 8, 2012

A rose by any other name

I took this photo in Budapest, Hungary when I was walking around the hilly Buda side to see Buda castle and some more historical sites of this ancient city. Buda Castle (a.k.a. Royal Palace) is on the southern tip of Castle Hill, so view of Budapest from there is also spectacular. When I was there, I had a guidebook of Budapest, but I was more enjoyed the view of the city itself, so I enjoyed the beautiful scenery without looking up the names of buildings and such. I personally believe that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. However actually, I couldn't stop being a shutterbug in Budapest. Also, I was battling with the rest of the remaining space on my memory tip of digital camera. Before the trip, I thought I had enough remaining space on my memory tip, but it definitely wasn't enough, actually.

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