Monday, August 4, 2014

The dull sky was full of deep gray clouds

I took this photo near the Leidseplein (a.k.a. Leiden Square) in Amsterdam, Holland while I was doing a bit of ground research before I chose a bar for my arrival beer in Amsterdam, Holland last time. Yep, it was my second time in Amsterdam, Holland. When my plane flew in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the sky was this dark and it was rainy. My plane flew in to Amsterdam from Tel Aviv, Israel. Tel Aviv was normally sunny and hot around that time of the year; November. So when the plane landed, lots and lots of passengers on the plane couldn't help but sighed then say "This is Amsterdam" or something similar. Luckily, I had eight nights in Amsterdam, so I could enjoy a few crisp sunny days as well. Anyway, this was my first photo of Amsterdam by my iPad mini. It looks like a bit gray, but this was it.

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