Sunday, May 8, 2016

Deep-Fried Green Papaya Salad: ส้มตำทอด

The photo shows Som Tum Tod Kung Sot (Thai: ส้มตำทอดกุงสด) and Khao Niew (Thai: ข้าวเหนียว). It's can be translated in English as Deep-fried Green Papaya Salad with Fresh Prawns, and Thai Sticky Rice. I took this photo at my favorite place on Central Pattaya Road in Pattaya, Thailand and had them with a bottle of Chang Beer. Match made in heaven in such nice atmosphere. I think Som Tum (Thai: ส้มตำ) is very well known by a lot of people as Thai Green papaya Salad, but Deep-fried Green Papaya Salad might not familiar for everybody. But, you may find this food at some Thai-Isaan places. Enjoy!

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