Wednesday, October 12, 2016

โจ๊กเห็ดหอมหมูสับ @ 7-11

The photo shows a cup of โจ๊กเห็ดหอมหมูสับ. โจ๊ก (Pronounce: Joke) is like a Thai rice porridge or your can say congee. It definitely is Thai's favorite breakfast menu. เห็ดหอม is a type of edible Asian mushroom, หมูสับ is minced pork in English term. โจ๊กเห็ดหอมหมูสับ can be translated as Thai porridge with Asian mushrooms and minced pork. I bought this cup of โจ๊กเห็ดหอมหมูสับ at a 7 ELEVEN nearby my hotel. It was in the early morning, and I was about to leave Pattaya to the airport. Before I left Pattaya, I wanted to eat something quickly, something kind of light and easy, but something very Thai. Then, I went to the 7-11 nearby and chose a cup of โจ๊กเห็ดหอมหมูสับ. I asked to nuke it and had it in my hotel room.

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