Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'll be right back, so stay tuned

I took this picture in Pattaya, Thailand. The blue sky, the beach and a wind vane. It looks very Thai. I've been to Pattaya several times, but I still find something new or something interesting off and on. Yep, this is one of them. I like this kind of ethnic figures or devices. I'm gonna have a long vacation from tomorrow. I won't take my MacBook Pro while I'm traveling, so I don't think I will update my blog so often during my vacation. I don't even know what will happen, but most likely the next blog will be updated by the middle of December just bear with me, please.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sit on the fence on the itinerary

This is also Khao Tom (Thai: ข้าวต้ม). It's kind of like a rice soup. My favorite Thai breakfast. I took this photo at a hotel in Central Pattaya, Thailand. I've stayed at this hotel for about 33 nights in total. There were a lot of places to have nice breakfast near the hotel, but I liked their taste, so usually I took breakfast at the hotel, even dinner occasionally. After breakfast, my plans are always up in the air in Thailand, especially in Pattaya. I can't make plans in advance. I'm gonna depart the day after tomorrow, though.

A popular statue in Bremen, Germany

The photo shows a statue of the Town Musicians of Bremen; The brothers Grimm's tale. I knew that story from my childhood, and I read many of these books, so I was excited to be there. After I took the photo of animals, I walked around the city aimlessly. There were some real musicians were playing joyful music. Souvenir shops and another statues attracted my eyes too. There were a lot of cute souvenirs symbolized the Town Musicians of Bremen or something like that. I had enough time in Bremen, so I took a nice Roast Bratwurst. Bratwurst is a big sausage, and you can find easily in Germany and it's quite nice. I don't remember how many Bratwurst I had in Germany, though. I really love to eat local specialties and I love to drink any kind of beer.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The best licking stamp experience

Recently I upgraded my profile a little bit. I changed "Random Question" section; it asks what's the best time you've ever had licking stamps? How interesting question. Like I said on my current profile page, my time in Liechtenstein was only a couple of hours. I was in Vaduz to have a lunch, to send a postcard to home, and get a passport stamp. Before that, I needed to exchange my Euros for Swiss Franc. Rest of my time in Liechtenstein I was taking a stroll around the beautiful city and looking around some cute souvenir shops. So, I didn't have enough time to take a memorable photo of Vaduz Castle or any other breathtaking sites of Liechtenstein, but luckily I found a petit model of Vaduz Castle and took a shot of it. It happened to be another cool record to distinguish I was definitely in Liechtenstein at the moment.

Stout, Goulash, Knödel at a German guzzlery

In Munich, Germany I was excited to go to a guzzlery to have authentic German beer, so I did at night. I went to a huge beer place near Marienplatz and had plenty of Stout Beer and nice food. I had a Goulash and Knödel. I'm no expert, but Goulash is kind of like a beef stew or like beef soup and it's originally from Hungary; My favorite. Knödel are kind of like dumplings and you can see on the plate. I've been to the beer place twice and had a blast. It had good cold beer, testy food, music, laughter, and a hall full of guzzlers.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I miss Negombo beach road and its eateries

This is one of my favorite eateries on the Negombo beach road, Sri Lanka. When I took the picture, I was drinking Beer Lion and waiting for my lunch; Rice and curry. Fans on the ceilings were quite nice, the bottles of Beer Lion were always cold, and their tastes were absolutely awesome. This place is also a hotel, so I stayed on the second floor of this building back and forth for 48 nights or so. There were a couple of place to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. One of them was this place exactly the photo shows, and the other one was on the garden facing the Negombo beach road. Of course, I liked both of them. I'm gonna return to Sri Lanka in November, but I don't know where I'll stay. For the first two night in Colombo; I already booked a hotel room. Then, I might go to Kandy, but I'm not sure, and after that, my plans are up in the air. I haven't decided yet.

A Monacan night without gambling

I've been to Monaco from Nice, France. I departed Nice in the early evening, and headed for Monaco by a coach. It was in a way a short drive to the neighboring country. Fashion is not my forte, but for the Monacan night I was wearing something formal, something nice, so I looked a little weird I think. I went to Monaco, but I didn't go to inside of the Casino in Monte-Carlo. I wanted to take a stroll around Monaco and also wanted to spend a time to enjoy a nice dinner instead of gambling. I think my decision worked out. This is my first photo of Monaco; Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Monaco-Ville. For the dinner, I chose an Italian place to enjoy some beer and food. I was amazed because there was a waiter and he was the best looking waiter I've ever met. After the great dinner at the fantastic Italian place, I went to see the casino from outside and returned to Nice late at night.

I was teetering between Bangkok and Pattaya..

The photo shows one of my breakfasts at a hotel on the Yaowaraj road in Bangkok, Thailand. I took Khao Tom (Thai: ข้าวต้ม) that morning and it was so nice as always. Khao Tom is kind of like a rice soup with pork or chicken or something elese. I'm gonna return to Thailand 8th of this month, but I won't go to Bangkok, I'm gonna go to Pattaya directly from the Suvarnabhumi International Airport. Generally, this hotel is like my first arrival port in Thailand, but this month will be not the case, so I'm sure I'll miss this place and their Khao Tom so much.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

I've been to Zurich, Switzerland from Munich, Germany to see Swiss souvenir shops. When I was in Lucerne I was into Swiss souvenirs, but I didn't have enough time to look around a lot of shops due to the time table of a cable car to get to the top of Mt. Pilatus. Then, during my second visit in Munich, I took a train and visited Zurich to do what I couldn't do in Luzern. The city didn't look similar to Luzern, but I was able to enjoy the day in Zurich. For a lunch, I took a Zürcher Geschnetzeltes. I'm no linguist, but I've heard that it's a specialty of Zurich, and means like Zurich styled slice meat and mushrooms in a way. The cream sauce brought out the flavor of meat and it really matched.

What is your "Million dollar view"?

This is one of my favorite photos of Negombo, Sri Lanka. When I went to the beach in the early morning, there were a lot of Catamarans out at sea and it was fantastic. I took a photo quickly and after that just sat on the shore and staring into the ocean. By the way I just want to know what is your "Million dollar view"? For me it's sometimes night view, sometimes a rainbow, sometimes a sunset, sometimes ocean like this, and sometimes wherever makes me feel so special or comfortable or something like that. I'm going to ingrain this kind of experience in my mind for the rest of my time on earth.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello elephants

I found those elephants in a beachfront hotel's garden in Pattaya, Thailand. In my humble opinion, these elephants are the epitome of the hotel's welcoming atmosphere. I like it. I used this hotel twice and always had so much fun and no complains about every thing. Just right. Also, it's located right in the middle of Central Pattaya, so it's quite convenient to do a lot of things I want or need. I'm gonna return to Pattaya on the 8th of this month. This time I won't stay in this hotel, but I think I might go there to have a dinner and to see these elephants.

Huge tea plantation in Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka has a huge tea plantation and the scenery there is really impressing. I used to drink four to six cups of coffee every single day, but after my long stay in Sri Lanka, I don't drink coffee like I used to. I just quit. During my stay in Sri Lanka I enjoyed Sri Lankan tea occasionally, and I became a fan of it. I went to Nuwara Eliya to see the huge tea plantation and I enjoyed the tea and curry and everything. It's located in a central highlands, so temperature is way cooler than any other places in Sri Lanka, but very beautiful place. I think it's worth going. Definitely.

Under my very nose...

After the first week in Negombo, Sri Lanka, I was getting sick of tourists breakfast like butter and toast, two eggs, orange juice or stuff like that. Then, I noticed that there was an another restaurant opposite side of the hotel and they serve Sri Lankan breakfast exactly like the photo shows. Sri Lankan style breakfast always tastes like curry. My favorite. I don't know why I didn't realize the place for a week or so. Anyway, I really liked this place or like any other Sri Lankan breakfast eateries out side of the hotel, so after that, I didn't take tourists breakfast anymore in Sri Lanka. I went to Sri Lanka to eat curry, and I'm gonna return to Sri Lanka to eat curry in November.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kung Chae Nam Pla

The photo shows Kung Chae Nam Pla; One of my favorite Thai dishes. I took this dish at my favorite hotel in Yaowaraj, Bangkok, Thailand. I like the hotel because of the restaurant. They always serve authentic Thai food and it tastes like heaven. Kung Chae Nam Pla is kind of like a Japanese Sashimi, but sauce is totally different from Japanese Soy with Wasabi. In Thailand, we eat raw prawns with spicy fish sauce. In the fish sauce a chef put a lot of chopped chilies and garlic. It brings out the flavor of the raw prawns and goes well with Singha beer. I'll take a : กุ้งแชน้ำปล่า