Monday, September 6, 2010

A popular statue in Bremen, Germany

The photo shows a statue of the Town Musicians of Bremen; The brothers Grimm's tale. I knew that story from my childhood, and I read many of these books, so I was excited to be there. After I took the photo of animals, I walked around the city aimlessly. There were some real musicians were playing joyful music. Souvenir shops and another statues attracted my eyes too. There were a lot of cute souvenirs symbolized the Town Musicians of Bremen or something like that. I had enough time in Bremen, so I took a nice Roast Bratwurst. Bratwurst is a big sausage, and you can find easily in Germany and it's quite nice. I don't remember how many Bratwurst I had in Germany, though. I really love to eat local specialties and I love to drink any kind of beer.

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