Sunday, September 5, 2010

The best licking stamp experience

Recently I upgraded my profile a little bit. I changed "Random Question" section; it asks what's the best time you've ever had licking stamps? How interesting question. Like I said on my current profile page, my time in Liechtenstein was only a couple of hours. I was in Vaduz to have a lunch, to send a postcard to home, and get a passport stamp. Before that, I needed to exchange my Euros for Swiss Franc. Rest of my time in Liechtenstein I was taking a stroll around the beautiful city and looking around some cute souvenir shops. So, I didn't have enough time to take a memorable photo of Vaduz Castle or any other breathtaking sites of Liechtenstein, but luckily I found a petit model of Vaduz Castle and took a shot of it. It happened to be another cool record to distinguish I was definitely in Liechtenstein at the moment.

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