Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Get sidetracked

The photo shows a part of Vienna, Austria. I took this photo on the massive walking street. It was a very beautiful street lined with a lot of shops and a wide variety of eateries. A lot of people were walking around, loitering around, window-shopping, enjoying a shopping spree and then some. I think the way to enjoy this kind of massive streets differs from person to person. I was just taking a stroll around and took some pictures. Also, I was looking for a place for lunch. When I got sidetracked, I found an internet cafe. Back then I was waiting an e-mail about my round-trip of Germany. When I checked my e-mails at an internet cafe somewhere close to the place where the photo shows, finally I received the one that I waited for a month or so. I asked the shopman to print out the attached document files. It took only a few seconds. In and out.

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