Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm always a little late to the show

The photo shows my hotel room in Frankfurt, Germany. I came all the way from Prague, the Czech Republic to Frankfurt by train to join a bus tour to travel around Germany. On my itinerary I was already a little too late to the first meeting of the tour and its first dinner. So, personally I planned to have dinner somewhere nearby my hotel, but when I arrived to the hotel, the hotel's receptionist called my tour director to try to arrange my dinner without starter. Then, after a second, I was able to sit at a dinner table. Thank you and sorry for the trouble. The dinner was fabulous. I'd really appreciate it.

The best place to be is within sight of the Acropolis

I took this photo in Athens, Greece. When I visited the Temple of Olympian Zeus, I was able to enjoy viewing the Acropolis of Athens just like the photo shows. I had only four nights in Athens I mean I had kinda so little time in Athens, but I had so many things to do and so many places to see in this beautiful ancient city. The Temple of Olympian Zeus was also one of my must-sees. To be honest, before I got there, I didn't imagine that the Acropolis of Athens was visible from there, so I was in awe of it.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Internet

I took this photo in Nice, France. I spent the day exploring beautiful French Riviera. The day started from plain and simple breakfast like Croissant, a piece of French loaf and some drink. By the way, while I was exploring Nice aimlessly, I was spoken to by an Irish girl. She asked me if I happen to knew how to say 'Internet' in French. She was looking for a cyber cafe to check her e-mails or something, but no one informed her where it was. I had an electronic dictionary and tried to find a French term of 'Internet'. The result was 'Internet'. So why no one answered?

My favorite place in Lisbon

I took this photo in Lisbon, Portugal after having gorgeous octopus dinner at a very nice restaurant in front of Rossio railway station. Everything I ate and drank in Lisbon was so nice. Plus, everything I saw in Lisbon was stunning. The photo shows a part of Rossio railway station and a building next to the station. I was impressed by the picturesque setting and used this image as a title photo of my blog for about eight month. I really love this photo. I may use this photo as a title photo again.

Pu Pad Pong Curry

The photo shows one of the most popular spicy Thai cuisine Pu Pad Pong Curry (Thai: ปูผัดผงกะหรี). Thai term Pu means crab, Pad means stir-fried, Pong means powder in English, so Pu Pad Pong Curry is kind of like a Stir-fried Crab with Curry Sauce. That's a good one. I took this photo at a famous restaurant in Bang Saen (Thai: บางแสน) in Chonburi (Thai: ชลบุรี) province, Thailand. After having a relaxing day on the Bang Saen beach, I took dinner at the restaurant and after that returned to Bangkok.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy holidays

I took this photo in Pattaya, Thailand. There was a huge holiday tree in front of Royal Garden Plaza. Royal Garden Plaza is Pattaya's one of the most popular shopping plazas and is situated on the beach road. A lot of people were taking photos of the tree, so I did the same thing just in case. This huge holiday tree was floodlit green at night and had a huge golden star on the top. I've published the night vie photo on December the 24th, 2010. Royal Garden Plaza itself was decorated in golden light and it looked so gorgeous.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

I would have found out sooner or later

I took this photo from the coach window while I was heading to Lucerne, Switzerland from Vaduz, Liechtenstein. I was over-zealous in taking photos of the snowy Swiss Alps and I missed the announcement saying that the coach cross the border between Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It was a small thing. I would have found out sooner or later anyway. I think bus trip is so much deferent from air trip. Bus trip may take a long time than air trip, but I can enjoy looking out the window in a bus as the scenery goes by.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A leopard can't change its spots

I took this photo in Lucerne, Switzerland. Luxurious Benz taxis were fanned out and waiting for customers at the foot of the Chapel Bridge (German: Kapellbrücke). What a view! I didn't take a taxi to look around Lucerne, but thinking back now, I should have experienced to take a Benz taxi to get to the Lion Monument or somewhere else. However, I have a tendency to be practical about money, and also I love walking, so I went everywhere on foot. At that moment, I was exactly in this luxury location, but a leopard can't change its spots.

When driving along Süd Autobahn to Viennna

I took this photo from the coach window while I was heading to Vienna, Austria from Venice, Italy. I viewed lots and lots of such post-card pretty sceneries during the drive and took photos of them without knowing where exactly I was. This morning, I Google mapped for a while and managed to got out whereabouts I took this photo. According to the map, there's a route called Süd Autobahn A2 which runs toward Vienna, Austria from the border of Italy. The motorway runs along an alpine lake named the Wörthersee, so I was probably be there. It was such a picturesque place just like the photo shows.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Egyptian hieroglyphs

I took this photo in Memphis, Egypt. I found such interesting Egyptian hieroglyphs that were etched on this gigantic ancient stone. I have no idea what it says, but it looks pretty in a way. Come to think of it, I've sent a postcard from Egypt by myself. The postcard showed a crash course in how to read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Now, I think a crash course is not enough to read this kind of ancient letters, but when I chose the postcard in Cairo, Egypt, it seemed like the best souvenir to learn Egyptian hieroglyphs without any difficulty.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's sometimes necessary to stretch the truth

I took this photo at Edinburgh castle in Scotland, the UK while I was standing right in the middle of the courtyard. The weather wasn't exactly nice, but later on one of my Scottish acquaintances told me that Scotland had about 300 days with rain a year. So, that's why. I guess he just stretched the truth on this, but it's not that far off in a way. Other than Edinburgh, I've been to Carter Bar, Jedburgh, St. Andrews, Inverness, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Skye, Glasgow in Scotland and I needed to hold my folding umbrella off and on.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Duck into the lounge bar

The photo shows a lovely lounge bar of a hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark. I've had buffet-style breakfast there. I sat on a bar stool at a  bar beside the windows and while I was having breakfast, I was gazing out from the widows. I spent seven days in Copenhagen, Denmark and took a lot of photos of this beautiful city. On my last night in Copenhagen, I took this photo for one of my lasting memories. I don't know why, but I don't have any photos of my last day in Copenhagen, Denmark, so this was the last one.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Himalayas and Dal Bhat Tarkari

I took this photo in Pokhara, Nepal while I was walking around the area so-called "Lake Side" early in the morning. I could see the Himalayas from there. Nepal was my third overseas travel destination. Someone asked me that how come I chose Nepal. I said that was because I wanted to see the Himalayas with my own eyes, also I wanted to have authentic Nepali cuisine everyday. I love curry. Even my very first dinner in Nepal is still a fresh memory. I had very nice Dal Bhat Tarkari. Dal means lentil soup, Bhat means boiled rice, and Tarkari means like spicy vegetable curry in English term.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm double-minded

The photo shows such beautiful Christmas decorations of Malmö, Sweden. I was glad I  could visit Malmö at a festive season and could see this stunning view. Back then I was thinking about my up-coming vacation, actually I was teetering between Australia or Denmark. I've never been to any countries in southern hemisphere, so Australia was a possibility. On the other hand, I had never been to any countries in Scandinavian Peninsula, so Denmark was also a possibility. Finally I chose Denmark and visited Sweden from there.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A black prancing stallion

I took this photo at Galleria Ferrari in Maranello, Italy. There was a huge black prancing stallion on the entrance white wall. On the way to Venice from Rome, my coach stopped by Maranello and I saw some famous Ferrari places such as the factory, the Test Circuit of Ferrari (a.k.a. the Fiorano Circuit), the public museum (a.k.a. Galleria Ferrari). I don't know much about cars, but I knew the famous symbol of Ferrari, so I took a photo of the black prancing stallion. The heavens opened at that moment, so the background was gray.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

As hungry as a bear

I took this photo in Vientiane, Laos. On the way to city center from Buddha Park (a.k.a Wat Xieng Khuan) by tuk-tuk, I found a huge signboard of something I know. I asked a driver to stop the tuk-tuk for a second and took a photo of it. It was long after lunchtime, but I hadn't had anything to eat and was as hungry as a bear. So, after getting back to the city center, I went right to my favorite eatery near the That Dam (a.k.a. the Black Stupa) and had yummy Lao fried rice with cans of cool beer Lao.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I'm all revved up

The photo shows my hotel room in Las Vegas, the States. I spent six nights in Sin City and stayed at a couple of nice hotels. I took this photo right after checked in to my second hotel, and while I was waiting my luggage to be sent up. I was all revved up to take photos, coz my hotel room was awesome right from the start. It was on the 44th floor and had great facilities with a really nice view. Also, the bed was pretty comfortable. I was wondering how many pillows should I sleep with. Not only that, but I loved the sofas by the windows. I could see down to the Vegas Strip from there.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I don't even know the name of the coffee drink

I took this photo in Barcelona, Spain at a nice sandwich place on La Rambla. I went to the place for breakfast and first of all I wanted to use some coffee with milk to wake up. I don't speak Spanish, so I was wondering how to get a cup of coffee with milk, but I just gave it a try to say 'Cafe au lait', they gave me this cup of coffee with milk and it was right up my alley. I think Cafe au lait is probably a French word, though. Anyway, what I wanted to say was I had a really nice morning coffee at a nice sandwich place in Barcelona, Spain.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Cut off nose to spite face

I took this photo in Pattaya, thailand. I got there by motor-bike taxi. There are two common transportation in Pattaya, Thailand. One of them are called Songthaews, and the others are motor-bike taxis. Songthaews are cheaper than motor-bike taxis, but I think motor-bike taxis are much more convenient. By the way, before I caught a motor-bike taxi to take this photo, some of the local drivers asked me to hire their vehicle to look around the city for a while. I hadn't set out to hire them, but I asked the price in case. That was a little steep. I know what the going prices are. It's often said that to not cut off your nose to spite your face, it will come back to bite you in the arse.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Early to bed and early to rise

I took this photo from my hotel room in Jerusalem, Israel. I heard the Adhan by the muezzin in a mosque nearby my hotel at dawn of day, then I woke up. I admired the early-morning view through the window and opened the window to take some photos. The whitish buildings glittered in the morning right and looked so beautiful. As the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm. Oh, one more saying just sprang to my mind. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Everyone focuses on him

The photo shows the huge lion's paw of Sigiriya rock in Sri Lanka. Sigiriya rock is also known as Lion's rock and is one of the eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Sri Lanka. It's located right in the middle of Sri Lanka. Things could see from the top of Sigiriya was mostly trees. I felt like I was in a tropical jungle or something. I've heard an interesting story about Sigiriya rock and the King Kashyapa. The King Kashyapa had built his palace on Sigiriya rock to use the rock as a fortress and also to use the rock as a pleasure palace. There're fresco paintings of half-naked Sigiriya ladies. I guess everyone focused on him and he enjoyed the attention.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's their go-to, isn't it?

I took this photo in Frankfurt, Germany in front of a branch office of world-famous Mercedes Benz. The building had a huge Mercedes benz logo on the top of the building and it attracted my eyes quickly. It seemed like the building itself was taking on the role of an advertisement pillar or something. Well done, Mercedes, well done. By the way, that time I arrived in Frankfurt from Munich by ICE. Frankfurt was about three hours distance from Munich. From my point of view, Frankfurt looked more like a business district.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

That's not gonna happen

The photo shows view of Budapest, Hungary. The bridge on the photo is the Liberty Bridge. The tram and the taxi and the bridge remind me of beautiful Budapest quite a bit. I flew to Budapest from London Heathrow Airport by British Airways flight BA868. One of the things to do at the airport is wait for one's suitcase at the baggage claim. At that time my suitcase appeared on the baggage claim before anybody else's suitcase. I'm pretty sure that it's not gonna happen again. My suitcase had stickers and said ' I LOVE BUDAPEST '.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Take someone's mind elsewhere

The photo shows Paro, Bhutan. I took this photo the day before I flew back to Kathmandu, Nepal. By the way, Paro is the city where the Bhutan's only international airport is. On the day of departure, my Bhutanese guide and a driver took me to the airport and we exchanged cards or something near the airpot gateway. Even though after I was left alone at the waiting lounge, I was still thinking about my trip in Bhutan quite a lot. Then, the passengers around me began to move toward the boarding gate, I came back to myself a bit and followed them impulsively. At the foot of the plane ramp, I asked the airport staff ' To Kathmandu, right? ' just in case. He said ' No! To Bangkok '. I didn't notice that there was another airplane ready to take off to Bangkok, Thailand. I may add that there was only boarding gate. So, that was why, but my bad on this.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's on the house

I took this photo in Athens, Greece. When I walked around the city, I found this beautiful bell tower of the Russian Orthodox Church and took a photo of it. Athens is one of my favorite capital cities of Europe. It has good weather, delicious cuisine, and very nice people. I spent four night in Athens and visited the city's must-see sights, took a lot of photos, and really enjoyed yummy Gyros, Greek Salad and Greek yogurt. My very first Greek yogurt was on the house. Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nice Vieille Ville

The photo shows view of Nice, France. I took this photo next to Nice Cathedral in Nice Old Town (French: Nice Vieille Ville) while I was taking a stroll around the beautiful city. It was kinda long way to get there. First of all, I rode on a huge ferry from Dover, England to Calais, France then visited Paris by coach. I spent for a couple of nights in Paris, then further down south by coach via Fontainebleau, Lyon, Avignon, then finally there, Nice. The beautiful seashore and complicated old town were sort of juxtaposed to each other. I really loved the atmosphere and had a really great time.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gracious lunch at a former royal residence

I took this photo at a very nice restaurant at Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen, Denmark. Rosenborg Castle (Danish: Rosenborg Slot) is known as the place where the parade of the Changing of the Guard starts off and ends off. The ceremony was as good as ever and I really enjoyed to see it. I didn't know that there was a restaurant, but I love eating and it was about time for lunch, so I jumped at the chance to have a course menu at Rosenborg Castle. The photo shows the second plate. Lucky for me, cured raw ham is my favorite. Hooray!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A photo with a snowy backdrop

I took this photo in Vaduz, the Principality of Liechtenstein. Vaduz is the capital city of Liechtenstein and I visited there for lunch and a quick sightseeing right before crossing into Switzerland. The photo shows Vaduz City Hall with a snowy backdrop. I'd say the snowy backdrop is fit perfectly into the landscape of Vaduz. In fact, two thirds of my photos of Vaduz are with snowy backdrop. Pretty standard. I enjoyed cool and crisp air of April and enjoyed viewing breathtaking scenery.

Friday, November 2, 2012

I guess I was bit of a creature of habit

The photo shows beautiful view of Frankfurt, Germany. I took this photo near the Römerberg (a.k.a. old town square) while I was taking a stroll around. I remember that day was the 50th day of my first trip to Europe. Actually, my first trip to European continent was 52 days long and at that moment I was almost the end of my 52-day trip. The biggest difference that I recognized was staple food. I'm Asian and my staple is definitely rice, but in Europe they eat potatoes or bread as their staple. To be honest, I was so surprised and surprised and surprised. I kept surprising for 52 days. Now I know.

Convenience always costs a little bit more

I took this photo at Royal Garden Plaza in Pattaya, Thailand. Pattaya is a two-hour drive from and to Suvarnabhumi Airport (a.k.a. Bangkok International Airport) and is my favorite city of all time. Normally, I take a cab from the airport or Bangkok city center to get to Pattaya. Also, I've taken a bus from Ekamai Bus Station. It took a little more time than cabs. I got off the bus at the intersection of Sukhumvit and Pattaya Nuea near Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. From right there, I got a ride on the back of a motorcycle with my heavy suitcase and asked the motorbike taxi driver to take me to Pattaya Soi 9.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The recollection brightened my eyes

The photo shows Le Meridien Barcelona on bustling La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain. My hostal was just a few minutes away from there. Speaking of Le Meridien, I've stayed in Le Meridien Pyramids in Giza, Egypt for three nights to celebrate own birthday. Le Meridien Pyramids has a great location to view the pyramids of Giza from its rooms and from its swimming pool. I had a really great time in Le Meridien Pyramids and Le Meridien Barcelona reminded me of my worthy splurge a lot, so that's why. When I stood there, the recollection brightened my eyes then I took this photo.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

I'm a bit of a Britanophile

I took this photo in London, the UK. The photo shows the world famous department store Harrods and a lovely double-decker bus. Since this summer, I'm a bit of a Britanophile and I started to learn English English. Each lesson is filled with surprises and stimulating for me. Different accent, different vocabulary usage, and different idioms are so much fun to learn. Also, it's so interesting to find out a lot of cultural differences. I can't stop being a Britanophile. I think the Union Jack is a cool symbol, so I bought some clothes with a big Union Jack.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Dome of the Rock

The photo shows the Dome of the Rock located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel. This is the view from the Mount Olives showing the walls of the Old City as well. To get to the Mount Olives I caught a cab at the entrance of Mamilla Mall right after fabulous Israeli lunch at a restaurant in the bustling shopping mall. To be honest, I caught the cab to get back to my hotel, because I was absolutely beat, but I went to plan B and visited the Mount Olives then afterward returned to my hotel.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bathing fountain in Kandy, Sri Lanka

I took this photo in Kandy, Sri Lanka. This fountain is known as a public bathing fountain for elephants or monkeys and such. When I visited the fountain, there were several monkeys seemed to really enjoy the bath in public.  I've heard that the fountain is more than hundred-year-old and is known as a fountain in commemoration of the visit of the Prince of Wales. I'm not sure, but it's interesting. Kandy is famous for its Esala Perahera (a.k.a. the festival of the tooth), but during the festival, I was in Unawatuna and watched the festival on TV.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Get into a long conversation

I took this photo in Malmö, Sweden. I liked the whitish building on the photo, especially the windows. The windows themselves were quite simple, but look at the ornament on the wall. They're spectacular, aren't they? I didn't have enough information about Malmö, but exploring the city was so much fun because of that beautiful buildings. I've talked with some Swedish people in some different countries during my trip. They were all chatterbox and were knowledgeable about many many topics. I enjoyed our conversation pretty much as if I lost track of time.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

TG642 BKK - NRT; Dec 2010

The photo shows an in-flight meal of Thai Airways International flight TG642 Bangkok, Thailand to Narita, Tokyo (BKK - NRT). It was a red-eye flight. Shortly after the plane took off from Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok, I felt like I needed to have a power nap or something, but I actually fell asleep until breakfast. I could choose Khai Jiaw (Thai: ไข่เจียว) or Khao Tom (Thai: ข้าวต้ม), which meant omelette or rice soup. What are you in the mood for? I chose Khai jiaw and had it with a croissant, yogurt, and some Thai fruits.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Be on your guard

I took this photo in Thimphu, Bhutan. There was a zoo like place where I could see some caged takin exactly like the photo shows. I've heard that takin have a curious nature and sometimes they were easy to caught. Hey takin, be on your guard. From my point of view, takin were slow and the quiet type of animal. Come to think of it, when I looked at takin and was taking some photos, they gazed at me. When I left, I noticed them still looking at me. It created an illusion that I was being caught in a cage, they were living in nature.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Every cloud has a silver lining

I took this photo in Pokhara, Nepal. My hotel was in the area so-called damside and the photo shows view of damside. Very idyllic. I got out of my hotel room early in the morning to see the Himalayas. In that morning the sky was a bit overcast with dark clouds like the photo shows and it was kinda typical sky of the rainy season in Pokhara, but at least the Himalayas could be seen a little behind the clouds. Every cloud has a silver lining. After the Himalaya viewing, I had a croissant and a piece of white bread roll with a cup of coffee at a bakery cafe.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Seeing is believing

I took this photo at Pha That Luang in Vientiane, Laos. Pha That Luang is a huge golden Buddhist stupa located in the outskirts of the city center. I took a tuk-tuk- to get there. Someone told me Pha That Luan was surprisingly big. Someone told me Pha That Luang was so beautiful. I visited there and saw Pha That Luang with my own two eyes then thought Pha That Luang was magnificent. It was much larger than I expected and was such a stunning Buddhist stupa. A picture's worth a thousand words.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's the highlight of my time in Venice

I took this photo when I was riding on a gondola in Venice, Italy. I loved the color and the design of this building. I personally believe that gondola ride is the highlight of Venice, so I was totally happy to did that. Other than gondolas, I gave two thumbs-up to Italian food just like everybody else. Actually, Italian have a special gesture to explain 'It tastes like heaven',  though. In venice, I had unforgettable Spaghetti Aglio e Olio Peperoncino. It's like spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and chili peppers. It looks kinda simple, but it tastes like heaven. I love it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lucerne from above

The photo shows Lucerne, Switzerland. I arrived in Switzerland from Munich, Germany via Principality of Liechtenstein. From the coach windows and from Liechtenstein I already viewed a lot of snow covered mountains. Then in Lucerne, I took a cable car to get to my hotel on the top of Mount Pilatus. The photo shows the city from above. Mount Pilatus is 2,132 meters high, and the hotel was located on the snow covered top of the mountain. When I took this photo, I was so excited to spend a couple of nights there.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Put the pedal to the metal

When I took a stroll around Rodeo Drive of Beverly Hills, California, I found this car which was surrounded by a sea of people. To be honest, I don't know much about cars, but so many people there were so excited to take pictures of this car, so I did the same thing just in case. You can imagine. It was my first day in Los Angeles, California and I was planning to get to Las Vegas on the day next, which means I had only so little time. I wanted to see a lot of places in Los Angeles without any difficulty, so I took part in LA City Tours. The one-day tour was going pedal to the metal and I could visit whole places that I've always wanted to. The tour guide was a motormouth, so I never got bored. Thanks a lot.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's been two years

Just two years ago I flew to Lisbon, Portugal from Cairo, Egypt and in the afternoon I walked around Lisbon for the first time in my life. Lisbon left a strong impression on me. After my very short stay in Lisbon, I can't stop thinking to return to Lisbon again and spend more time in that picturesque city, but it hasn't materialized yet. I just can't believe that it's already been two years. How time flies. I took this photo in Baixa district of Lisbon, Portugal. I think this balcony was a store's outside display to show the beautiful clothes. Very nice.

Monday, October 8, 2012

A rose by any other name

I took this photo in Budapest, Hungary when I was walking around the hilly Buda side to see Buda castle and some more historical sites of this ancient city. Buda Castle (a.k.a. Royal Palace) is on the southern tip of Castle Hill, so view of Budapest from there is also spectacular. When I was there, I had a guidebook of Budapest, but I was more enjoyed the view of the city itself, so I enjoyed the beautiful scenery without looking up the names of buildings and such. I personally believe that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. However actually, I couldn't stop being a shutterbug in Budapest. Also, I was battling with the rest of the remaining space on my memory tip of digital camera. Before the trip, I thought I had enough remaining space on my memory tip, but it definitely wasn't enough, actually.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Nile River flows through Cairo, Egypt

The photo shows daytime view of Egyptian capital Cairo from Cairo Tower. Cairo Tower is the place where you can see the world's longest river from above. The Nile River is 6,650 kilometer long and flows through ten different countries and its lot of cities. Cairo, Egypt  is one of the city. My hotel in Cairo, Egypt was within walking distance of Cairo Tower, so I got there on foot. When I visited Cairo Tower, there weren't so many tourists and I didn't have to wait to stand waiting for an elevator. A Bulgarian couple and I got on the elevator and went up to the open-air observation floor. This is the view from there.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A magnificent church in the works

The photo shows the beautiful ceilings and the white pillars of the Sagrada Família (English: Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family) in Barcelona, Spain. The church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I visited Barcelona in October 2010. The Sagrada Família was being built, but it was absolutely stunning and magnificent. I've heard that the construction has been continuing 130 years so far, and it's expected to take about 15 more years to complete. I am in awe of it.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How to eat Sri Lankan rice and curry

The photo shows Sri Lankan Rice and Curry which I had at my favorite place in Negombo, Sri Lanka. Special of the day was my favorite. Clockwise from top of left to right; Chicken curry, Pol Sambol, Steamed rice, Dhal curry, Green beans curry, and crispy papadums. I served steamed rice into a serving plate, then served three kinds of curry and Pol Sambol on the steamed rice. Also, I broke some papadums into small pieces and topped them on my Rice and Curry. I ate them by my fingers as the locals did.


I flew to Bhutan from Nepal by Druk Air; Royal Bhutan Airlines which is the national flag carrier of the Kingdom of Bhutan. There are several scheduled flights from South and South East Asian cities. First of all, I flew to Kathmandu, Nepal from Bangkok, Thailand then spent a night in Kathmandu. Then, in the next afternoon I flew to Paro, Bhutan. There was a scheduled flight from Bangkok, Thailand as well, but I chose Kathmandu - Paro route just to see the Himalayas from above. Bhutan is located at the Eastern end of the Himalayas, so that's why.

Betws-y-Coed, North Wales

I took this photo in Betws-y-Coed in North Wales, the United Kingdom. From April 18 to April 27 in 2007 I joined COSMOS tour to visit a lot of cities in England, Scotland and Wales. That day the coach departed from Liverpool, England and took us to North Wales. The coach dropped by Conwy, Caernarfon, then drove through Snowdonia National Park, Llanberis Pass and then some. The tour director gave us a lunch break in Betws-y-Coed. I took this photo in front of the railway station while I was waiting the coach to back to Liverpool. The railway station is known as bus interchange as well.

Römerberg, Frankfurt am main

I took this photo in the Römerberg (a.k.a. old town square) in Frankfurt, Germany at dusk. It was my second time to visit Frankfurt. That time I arrived in Frankfurt by ICE train from Munich. ICE stands for Inter City Express and the bullet train connect Munich and Frankfurt by only three hours. I really enjoyed German scenery from the train windows. After dumping my luggage in my hotel room, I set off to the city. The old town square was one of the most beautiful locations of Frankfurt and I really loved there.