Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It took me years to go back to Belgium

The photo shows Antwerpen Centraal (Antwerp Central) railway station in Antwerp, Belgium and its surroundings. My first visit to Belgium was a little bit unique. I was on a coach from Amsterdam, Holland and headed to Calais, France to get on a ferry to Dover, England. On the way to Calais, the coach drove through East Flanders of Belgium, but that was all there was to it. After that, I was trying to find an opportunity to visit a city in Belgium and walk around the city by myself, then finally. It took about six and a half years, but better late than never.

Monday, September 29, 2014

My brain isn't in gear before breakfast

I enjoyed to have nice breakfast at my hostel in Zagreb, Croatia. They served different choices of ham and cheese and so on each day. That morning, they served cured ham, sliced cheese, black olives, tomatoes and some bread. Also, I had a cup of coffee. Basically, before having breakfast and some coffee in the morning, my brain isn't in gear. Breakfast is pretty important for me. There was a look cute bakery cafe right next to my hostel, but I had breakfast at my hostel every morning. It was in December. Early in the morning, Zagreb was too cold to eat out. It was beyond my imagination. There was frost on the ground.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Oxford is easily accessible by a train ride from London

I took this photo in Oxford, England, the UK. When I told my English acquaintance that I was going to visit London, England and would spend for a couple of weeks there, he suggested to visit Oxford to me. According to my acquaintance, Oxford is about an hour away from London by train and I could see stunning  buildings and unique geography. He also said that he was going to visit Oxford again when he got back home for the year-end through New Year holidays. Oxford sounded fantastic from his opinion, so I visited Oxford and found out that I loved the city so much.

Sevnica Castle and Lutheran Cellar

The photo shows Sevnica Castle and Lutheran Cellar, plus its beautiful surroundings in Sevnica, Slovenia. I took this photo from my train headed for Zagreb, Croatia. I wanted to get out of the train, but I didn't have any idea how to pass through the immigration correctly without riding on an International train, so I gave up the idea and just took a photo of the castle and viewed the stunning scenery from the train windows. I highly recommend to choose a comfortable train journey in between Zagreb, Croatia and Ljubljana, Slovenia. The view from the train windows was just spectacular.

The corkscrew spire of Vor Frelsers Kirke

The photo shows a winter view of Copenhagen, Denmark with so-called Kirke's Tower. The tower known as Kirke's Tower is a baroque church in Copenhagen, Denmark and is officially named Church of Our Savior (Danish: Vor Frelsers Kirke). The church is famous for its climbable spire which looks like a gigantic corkscrew stretches up toward the sky. I visited there in january, so the staircase was closed, but at least I was able to enjoy viewing the unique corkscrew spire from below. It looked fantastic just like the photo shows.

It's not only a bottle opener, but also a memory

I took this photo in my hotel room in Amsterdam, Holland right after came back from the Heineken Experience and the Heineken Brand Store in the city. The Heineken Experience is a Heineken brewery with an overlap between museum and corporate visiter center. The Heineken Brand Store is a shop where you can buy cool goods with cute Heineken logos. After experienced a lot about Heineken at the Heineken Experience, I visited the Heineken Brand Store. I bought a pair of headphones with Heineken logos at the store. Then, I received a fabulous postcard with a cool Heineken bottle opener by free gift from Heineken. I love the Heineken's e shaped bottle opener, and I'm still using it to open bottles.

Dolac Market

I took this photo when I visited Dolac Market in Zagreb, Croatia. Dolac is the best known market in Croatian capital Zagreb and its location is like right under the Zagreb Cathedral or right next to the main city square. Most stalls are selling fresh vegetables, fruits, fish or something similar for locals, but since the market is in the heart of the city, a lot of tourists visit the market as one of the city's must see sights. I visited the market a few times during my stay in Zagreb, and the market was always crowded. It was so much fun to be there.

When I'm in the mood for Italian food in Pattaya, Thailand

I took this photo at my favorite Italian place in Pattaya, Thailand. I've been to this place several times and was always satisfied about their service, the atmosphere and of course the food and drink. The restaurant is on Pattaya beach Road near Soi 6 1/2. I took this photo at one of their outside tables where I had a memorable Italian dinner, but they have a lot of tables inside of the restaurant as well. I usually choose an outside table to view the beautiful Italian-like garden while I'm drinking or eating. Compare to many other restaurants in Pattaya,  Thailand, the prices are steep, but obviously it's not so much as Italian restaurants in Milan, Italy or somewhere else.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hot Apfelwein

The photo shows a glass of Hot Apfelwein (English: Apple Wine or Cider). I had this yummy alcoholic drink at a Christmas Market in Frankfurt, Germany. Someone told me that to not leave Frankfurt's Christmas Market without drinking traditional hot apple wine. So, I drank it down before I leave =) Not to mention, it was really yummy. On the following day, I flew to Las Vegas, NV, the States then spent 17 nights. When I flew back to Frankfurt, Germany, the Christmas Market was over and I couldn't find a place for Hot Apfelwein anymore. I kinda miss the taste even now. Ah, I miss Germany.

I never imagined I'd see you again...

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. The photo shows the entrance gate of Antwerp Zoo. I didn't have enough time to get into the zoo, but the zoo was located right next to Antwerpen Centraal (a.k.a. Antwerp Central Railway Station), so at least I could see this entrance. By the way, my train from Amsterdam, Holland departed at 09:25 and arrived in Antwerp, Belgium at 12:10. My train from Antwerp, Belgium departed at 15:49 and arrived in Amsterdam, Holland at 18:32. It was really a short stay in Antwerp, so I didn't expect other people make the same itinerary, but a Caucasian guy who was wheeling a baby carriage forward was. The guy and me chose exactly the same trains to make a round trip between Amsterdam and Antwerp by coincidence.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Viewing Saint Nicholas' Cathedral through an alley

I took this photo in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Viewing Saint Nicholas' Cathedral (a.k.a. Ljubljana Cathedral or Saint Nicholas' Church) through a tiny alley in the city. The cathedral is one of the stunning landmarks of the city and its twin towers are visible from many different locations of Slovenian capital Ljubljana. The photo shows just one example of its photo spot. In Ljubljana, Slovenia, I took 108 photos by my digital camera and 11 photos by my iPad mini. Some think it was quite a lot, but I think it wasn't enough. Ljubljana was that beautiful.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I felt a sense of deja vu

I took this photo in Porto, Portugal. The red telephone box is a common sight on the streets of the United Kingdom, and I saw them a lot in London, England. So, I was in Porto, Portugal, but the view of the red telephone box reminded me of London quite a bit. I took this photo in my first morning in Porto. After having a nice breakfast and cups of coffee at my hotel, I grabbed a map and started to explore the beautiful city. Not to mention I fell in love with Porto in a minute. I really really want to go back there to spend more time in that picturesque city.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I love the logo of Heineken, especially that es

I took this photo in Amsterdam, Holland. I found these cute Heineken signs in a street near the Amsterdam Central Station (Amsterdam Centraal). My first beer in Amsterdam was a glass of draft Heineken at a huge beer place, and my last beer in Amsterdam was a limited star bottle of Heineken at a bar in Amsterdam Airport Schipol. During my 9-day trip to Amsterdam, Holland I became a fan of this world-famous lager beer and went to visit Heineken Experience where the place you can taste Heineken. Crews gave me a lot of tips on drinking Heineken nicely.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Is this a piece of art or a bench?

I took this photo on a boardwalk in Tel Aviv, Israel. The White sand Beaches in Tel Aviv is famous for its geography which faces the Mediterranean sea. Obviously, the boardwalk where I took this photo was on the seashore of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. People were using those stones as their bench or something similar to take a break around there. I don't know if it was a proper usage of those stones or not, but it was just the truth that I saw around those stones.  I thought those stones as a piece of art, actually.

What an ornate Antwerpen Centraal...

I took this photo at Antwerpen Centraal (English: Antwerp Central) which is the main railway station in Antwerp, Belgium. The station known as one of the most beautiful railway stations in the world. The station is not only ornate, but it's outstanding of it looks. If I had eons of memories in my digital camera or iPad mini, I took billions of photos of Antwerpen Centraal. The station was that stunning. Just my two cents, but Antwerpen Centraal was a cut above the rest. I visited there about ten months ago, but I still remember about its beauty like yesterday.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Jaffa Cakes

The photo shows a pack of Jaffa Cakes. I took this photo in my hotel in London, England, the United Kingdom. Jaffa Cakes is a very popular English biscuit flavored with orange and chocolate. When I told my English acquaintance about my trip to London, England, he strongly recommended me to have Jaffa Cakes with a cup of tea. My hotel room provided tea / coffee facilities, so I bought a pack of Jaffa Cakes at a corner shop. In the next morning I had Jaffa Cakes with a cup of tea for the first time. It tasted like marmalade, went well with English tea.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Italian Gardens in Hyde Park, London

I took this photo in Hyde Park in London, England, the UK. There was a section named Italian Gardens near Lancaster Gate Entrance and this beautiful building was there. Hyde Park is a humongous park in London, and is one of the Royal Parks of London. There are eight Royal Parks in London and Hyde Park covers more than 140 hectares of land. I saw a lot of locals who were taking their dog for an airing. Come to think of it, I saw a rubbish bin in Hyde Park which said DOG WASTE ONLY on its lid.

Mark of my arrival in Slovenia

I took this photo in Ljubljana, Slovenia. A short while ago my train arrived in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the scenery from the train window was covered with thick fog, but it all cleared up before I got out of the train at Ljubljana Railway Station. Actually, this was my first photo in Slovenia by my digital camera. I had a digital camera as well as my iPad mini. My digital camera is very small, so I could put the digital camera in a pocket and it was easy to pull the camera in and out of my pocket. On the other hand, my iPad mini was usually in my bag.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Maradana Railway Station

The photo shows Maradana Railway Station in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The station is located in a commercial area of Colombo and the traffic is very heavy around the station. I've stayed near Maradana Railway Station for a first few nights in Sri Lanka and after that moved to South Western or Southern coast for a long-term-stay. Colombo is Sri Lankan capital and has a lot to see, but I prefer to stay in Hikkaduwa or Unawatuna. Oh by the way, after taking this photo, I went to ODEL by a tuk-tuk and bought a bag and so on.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pošta in Zagreb, Croatia

The photo shows a huge post office in Zagreb, Croatia. The post office is right next to Zagreb Main Station. I took this photo when I returned to Zagreb, Croatia from Ljubljana, Slovenia. My trip to Slovenia was a day trip and when I arrived in Zagreb it was already dark outside and the post office was lit up beautifully like the photo shows. By the way, the post office next to the main station came in very handy. There, I bought some postage stamps and sent some postcards, also I exchanged a couple of currencies for Croatian Kuna.

Well, how do you pronounce your capital.

I took this photo through a train window after I got through immigration on the train while the train was stopping at Dobova station in Dobova, Slovenia. Since Croatia is not yet a Schengen country, there was passport control on the train. When the train stopped at Dobova, Slovenia, several Croatian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification or passport. Then, I got a departed stamp on my passport from a Croatian police officer. Shortly after that, several Slovenian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification or passport. Then, I got a land stamp on my passport from a Slovenian police officer. One of the questions I was asked at the immigration was where I was going to go on that day. I was going to go to Ljubljana, Slovenia, but I realized that I've never pronounced the name of the city and I didn't know how to read it. So I just answered like 'your capital'.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It was worth the money: 32.4 EUR

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. I went to visit Antwerp from Amsterdam, Holland by train. Visiting Belgium from Amsterdam, Holland  was in my itinerary, and I was thinking to visit the Belgian capital Brussels was a good idea, but I changed my mind and visited Antwerp via Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Rossendaal in the Netherlands, and Essen, Wildert, Kalmthout, Kijkuit, Heide, Kapellen, Sint-Mariaburg, Ekeren in Belgium. The 2nd class round-trip ticket cost 32.4 EUR. A day trip to Antwerp was worth the money.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Zagreb Funicular

I took this photo in Zagreb, Croatia. The photo shows the Zagreb Funicular (Croatian: Zagrebačka uspinjača) operated by ZET. The sign shows that. The Zagreb Funicular is known as one of the world's shortest funiculars as well as one of the world's steepest funiculars. The track is only 66 meters long, and height difference is 30.5 meters. The Zagreb Funicular connects Tomić Street and upper part of Zagreb (a.k.a. Gorndi Grad). When I visited there in December 2013, a Christmas market was held on Tomić Street, so the area had a festive atmosphere of the market.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Catch some beautiful views in Slovenia

I took this photo somewhere in the street in stunning Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ljubljana was a very beautiful city which had a lot of nice and cute buildings that I wanted to take photos of them. I don't exactly remember where I took this photo, but I'm sure I was very happy to be there. If I could go back to Slovenia, I want to visit Ljubljana again as well as other beautiful cities that I viewed through the train windows such as Dobova, Krško, Sevnica, Zidani Most, Trbovlje, Litija. I took some photos of those beautiful cities through the train windows, but next time I want to walk around.

Belgian Waffle

I took this photo at Antwerp Central Station in Antwerp, Belgium. I found a Waffle place inside of the station. Belgium is famous for chocolates, as well as waffles, so I took a quick photo of mouthwatering waffles. The waffle place had chocolate coated waffles as well. In the city, I saw many people who were eating waffles on the streets. Yep, waffle places were spread out all over the map in Antwerp. You can't miss them. One thing I couldn't find and see in Belgium was a chocolate fountain. I've heard about it from my acquaintance, though.

Milk a cow

I took this photo in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg. There was a statue of cow in front of a steak restaurant. When I looked carefully, I realized that there was a little milk bucket under the statue of cow. I haven't tried to milk a cow yet, but I really want to do it some time. I don't think I can do it very well, though. The other things that I really want to try to do, but I haven't tried yet are sky jump from the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas, and stilt fishing in Sri Lanka. Those things are always in my bucket list.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Downtown Las Vegas Fremont East District

I took this photo in the Fremont East District in Las Vegas, NV, the United States of America and this is the famous view of its gate. During the last Holiday Season; December 19th 2013 to January 5th 2014, I stayed in Vegas for 17 nights on vacation. I was based in the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino. The hotel is at the Northern tip of the Vegas Strip, and it meant the Downtown Las Vegas Fremont East District was just a hop, skip and jump away from my hotel. So, I've been there several times. I love the atmosphere and entertainment.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Put first things first, let's get started

I took this photo in London, England, the UK. It was my second day in London. I took a breakfast at my hotel and got out of the hotel around 9:30. Then I walked toward Baker Street on foot to check and see a bus stop of easyBus. After that, I took a tube from Baker Street Station to Charing Cross Station and went to see the London Eye, the Palace of Westminster and so on. The weather wasn't exactly great to take the London Eye, so I took some photos and returned to Paddington Station by the Tube. Then, I went into a look nice restaurant across from Paddington Station and had a late lunch. I ordered Fish and Chips with a bottle of Stella Artois.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bolhão Metro Station and its surroundings

I took this photo in Porto, Portugal. One of my favorite cities in Europe. My hotel was just around the corner from Bolhão Metro Station. Bolhão Metro Station is the nearest stop of popular Bolhão Market (Portuguese: Mercado do Bolhão). The market was abounded with a lot of booths which had colorful vegetables, fish, seafood, dried garlic, dried chillies, flowers and so on. Also, there was a place to eat and drink. People who worked there were bubbly and friendly. I loved the market so much.

I already have a festive feeling

I took this photo in Zagreb, Croatia. This restaurant building was located directly across from the Zagreb Cathedral and was decorated in Christmas ornaments. Croatian Christmas is famous for its licitars. Licitars are heart shaped cookies, and are decorated colorfully and lovely. A local woman who I've met in Zagreb said that licitar hearts are their traditional Christmas ornaments and can be seen a lot during festive season. I stayed in Zagreb from December 3rd to December 16th in 2013. I saw lots and lots of cute licitars and attractive, enjoyable Christmas markets.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Silver Lake Vineyard

The photo shows Silver Lake Vineyard in Pattaya, Thailand. One day in Pattaya, Thailand, I caught a motorbike taxi and went on a half day excursion to a few must-see sights in the outskirts of Pattaya. Firstly, I visited spiritual Buddha Mountain (a.k.a. Khao Chi Chan, Thai: เขาชีจรรย์), and then visited scenic Silver Lake Vineyard (Thai: ซิลเวอร์เลค วินยาร์ด), and after that I went to see eye-opening Anek Kuson Sala (Viharnra Sien, Thai: อเนกกุศลศาลา (วิหารเซียน)). These sights are within motorcycling distance from Central Pattaya, but are worlds apart from Central Pattaya's red-light district and so on.

Monday, September 8, 2014

People-watching hangout

I took this photo at a huge beer pub in Amsterdam, Holland. I ordered a large glass of Heineken and Salami with Dutch pickles. The beer place is facing the hectic Leidseplein (a.k.a. Leiden Square) and has huge windows on the street. I loved to sit at a table near the windows to watch people on the street or in the square. You know, it was like a people-watching hangout with good beer. The salami was so yummy. Also, I loved the mustard. Needless to say, this dish went really well with cool Heineken beer.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Different countries have different beers

I took this photo in Zagreb, Croatia. Croatia has a great beer named Karlovačko and I drank Karlovačko quite a lot of times and I was totally happy about the taste. Not only that, but I could find international beer without any difficulties in Zagreb. Just like a place on the photo, Belgium premium lager beer Stella Artois was easy to spot, popular Dutch lager Heineken was available in many different places as well as popular Irish stout Guinness. When in Zagreb, I chose their domestic brand Karlovačko again and again, though.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Rent a red bike and ride

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. As you may know, you can rent a bike in Antwerp, Belgium with your credit card. I prefer to walk, so I didn't do that, but I thought in a way it was a convenient system to explore the beautiful city for a short time. By the way, before I got out of Antwerp Central station, I dropped by a tourist information desk and received a cute map. It was a free map, but it was very informative and looked really lovely. I still have it as my favorite souvenir from Antwerp, Belgium.

That speaks volumes.

I took this photo in Amsterdam red-light district, Holland. Seeing this photo, where'd the term red-light district come form is self-explanatory. Yep, the red lights. Generally speaking, those red lights are used as signs of erotic pleasure or something similar. Speaking of self-explanatory, one of my English acquaintances used a funny word to describe his recent club experience. A few weeks ago, he went to a club with his brother. The club required an entrance fee, so they paid it and then went inside. What they saw in the club was a little too different from they had expected. There were a bunch of guys, and only a few ladies. My acquaintance said that it was a sausage fest. That speaks volumes. Self-explanatory.

Not only a Christmas market, but also good beer

I took this photo in Frankfurt, Germany when I visited there to see a huge Christmas market in December, 2013. It was not my first time to visit Frankfurt, but the location of my hotel was totally different from a past few times. In December 2013, I chose a hotel right across from Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof. How convenient it was. On the first day of my arrival, I went to see the Christmas market twice and at night I grabbed some beer at a pub with sausages, potatoes and then some. I had such a great time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

English as a lingua franca, and the others for fun

I took this photo in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg. I didn't have any maps to explore the city, and just followed street signs to get to the city centre. Here, street signs show directions to get to Ville haute, Centre, Gare and so on. I couldn't understand what Ville haute or Gare mean, but fortunately Centre was pretty understandable, so I followed the direction for Centre and I was right. I guess I needed basic French in a way. After the world cup 2014, I started to learn Spanish. I wonder how long it will take me to be able to understand what the football's brand new super player is talking and writing about, though.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Complicated question of why love ends

I took this photo in Zagreb, Croatia. There are so many museums in Croatian capital Zagreb, and the photo shows one of them. The museum is named Museum of Broken Relationships (Croatian: Muzej Prekinutih veza). The museum was awarded as Europe's most innovative museum in 2011. I went to visit there in December, 2013. I paid 25 Kuna for the entrance fee and went inside. Museum of Broken Relationships was quite different from museums that I've visited before, but I liked the creative concept, so I spent a long time looking at personal objects relative to someone's broken relationship. Not only that, but I spent a long time reading stories how that love did end.