Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Well, how do you pronounce your capital.

I took this photo through a train window after I got through immigration on the train while the train was stopping at Dobova station in Dobova, Slovenia. Since Croatia is not yet a Schengen country, there was passport control on the train. When the train stopped at Dobova, Slovenia, several Croatian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification or passport. Then, I got a departed stamp on my passport from a Croatian police officer. Shortly after that, several Slovenian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification or passport. Then, I got a land stamp on my passport from a Slovenian police officer. One of the questions I was asked at the immigration was where I was going to go on that day. I was going to go to Ljubljana, Slovenia, but I realized that I've never pronounced the name of the city and I didn't know how to read it. So I just answered like 'your capital'.

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