Friday, October 31, 2014

Put the garbage in a trash can is confusing

I took this photo in Ljubljana, Slovenia. There were trash cans in the street and each trash can had a well-drawn image of a type of trash. They looked so cute and I took a photo of trash cans of "Preostanek Odpadkov". I think trash cans with a well-drawn image are very good idea. Yesterday, I saw a couple of tourists who had plastic wrap of sandwiches in a high street. They were standing in front of a trash can next to a vending machine. In my country, trash cans next to vending machines are always for waste cans or waste bottles, but none of them has an image like Slovenian trash cans. So yesterday, the tourists looked inside of the trash can, looked at their plastic wrap, talking to each other something and then left without leave trash. I was across from the street and was waiting at the traffic light, so I couldn't tell them where a trash can for plastic wrap. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I think my country should follow the Slovenian excellence.

Can I have a pint of San Miguel, please?

Happy Halloween 2014. I was in London, England this day last year. That day, London was mostly cloudy with intermittent light rain showers. Not to mention it was freezing out there. I decided to prop up the bar and had Halloween lunch there. First of all, I ordered a pint of Stella Artois at the bar, but a bartender was doing beer tap cleaning on Stella, and she recommended for me to have a pint of San Miguel instead. San Miguel is also a good beer from the Philippines. So I took my time to love again San Miguel right next to a black and orange Halloween decoration. Look at the genius head of the beer. This is always really a pint at a bar in England.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. There was a tourist information center in Antwerp Centraal (English: Antwerp Central Station). Before I got out of the station, I stopped by the tourist information center and received a cute city map from a clerk. The map seemed like a multi language  map which was written in five different languages. Luckily, English was included on the fourth. Then, I started to walk around the city with the map. When I hit the church, I realized that the church wasn't on the map. Then, I went closer to look at the sign board of the church. The sign was written in two different languages that I couldn't read. I couldn't find out anything about this beautiful church.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

One of the heroes of Heroes' Square, Budapest

I took this photo at Heroes' Square (Hungarian: Hősök tere) in Budapest, Hungary. Heroes' Square is one of the most well-known squares in Budapest, and is always crowded by tourists from all over the world. Visiting there was at the top of my bucket list before I flew into Budapest and it was done during my four-day stay in Budapest. On the forth day's morning, I took an international train from Keleti Railway Station (Hungarian: Keleti Pályaudvar) and moved to Prague, the Czech Republic via Bratislava, Slovakia.

A beautifully shaped train of Hrvatske Željeznice

The photo shows a beautifully shaped train of Croatian Railways (Croatian: Hrvatske Željeznice). I took this photo while the train was stopping at Zagreb Main Station (Croatian: Zagreb Glavni Kolodvor) in Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb Main Station is right next to a huge post office. I went to the post office to exchange some money for the local currency; Croatian Kuna. From my point of view, the Euro was usable in some places if I would like to pay in Euros, but I preferred to pay in Kuna, so I exchanged money at the post office. After that, I took this photo.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ben-Yehuda street

I took this photo in Tel Aviv, Israel. The street signs were written in three different languages; Hebrew, Arabic and English. I only read English, but I didn't have any language problem. The locals speaks very good English. By the way, Ben-Yehuda street is one of the high streets of Tel Aviv and has a lot of eateries, bars, corner shops, super markets, accommodations, exchange places and then some on both side of the street. It was so much fun to walk around and eat out. It was my second time to stay in Tel Aviv, Israel and I want to go back sometime in the near future.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Raise awareness

I took this photo in Milan, Italy in January 2014. Milan Expo 2015 will be held from the 1st of May to the 31st of October 2015. There were so many flags in Milan to raise awareness. I spent five nights six days in Milan, and the weather was mostly cloudy for the first four days and the sky looked a little grim like the photo shows. Luckily my fifth day was a picture perfect sunny day. I revisited Milan Cathedral, Sforza Castle and so on to take another photos under the sun. The sixth day, I needed to take a plane flying back to Bangkok, Thailand at 13:05. After breakfast at my hotel, I walked up to Molano Centrale railway station and took an airport shuttle.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gyros goes very well with Mythos

I took this photo at the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, Greece. I stayed there for a long time for walking around, taking a lot of photos, and looking up the Acropolis of Athens. It was a very quiet place which had a lot to see. It was in September and it was hot during the day, but at night the temperature got colder than my expectation. So I bought a cardigan while I was looking for a place for dinner. Finally I chose a Gyros place for dinner and had a bowl full of vegetable soup, very nice pork Gyro with a cool bottle of Mythos.

Yum Tua Pu: ยำถั่วพู

The photo shows Yum Tua Pu (Thai: ยำถั่วพู). I had this Thai cuisine at a Thai Vietnamese place of my hotel in Bangkok, Thailand as my arrival dinner in October 2013. The restaurant wrote down a long name for this food on their menu to describe the food for their foreign guests; it said Winged bean salad with fresh prawns and soft-boiled eggs (Thai: ยำถั่วพูกุ้งสด ไข่ต้มยางมะตูม), but it goes by Yum Tua Pu. I love the exotic looking winged bean (Thai: ถั่วพู). The winged bean looked funny and tasted yummy.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Speaking of casino

I took this photo in Ljubljana, Slovenia. There was a casino in the heart of the city. It was 6th December 2013, and I was planning to flew to Vegas on the 19th from Frankfurt, Germany. So I didn't do anything at a casino in Ljubljana, except for taking a photo from outside. Speaking of casino, I recently talked with someone who had never been to Vegas, but has been to Macau. He said that from his point of view, Macau was a city for casinos, and he guessed that Vegas is a city for entertainments and casinos. That's an interesting perspective. He also said that he saw a very very rich Asian man in Macau who had three girlfriends and flash money. That spoke volumes.

Friday, October 24, 2014

When the casinos turn the outside lights off...

I took this photo in Las Vegas, NV, the United States of America. The photo shows a huge sign of a huge casino on fabulous Fremont Street. Fremont street is famous for the light and sound shows the Fremont Street Experience. A barrel vault canopy turns into a massive screen nightly and shows epic films with musical sound and some guidance. I love that shows pretty much. Las Vegas is the city that never sleeps, and the lights and sings of Casinos are always turn on to welcome you. But, each show of Fremont street kicks off by turning off the all lights including the casinos. With that the show of light canopy stands out more.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Montien Riverside Hotel and Sai Chol Restaurant

I took this photo on the 22nd of October, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. My plane landed at Svarnabhumi on time. I took a cab from the airpot to get to my hotel Montien Riverside. The hotel is located on Rama 3 Road. The views from their river view rooms are always fantastic and I really love that. The hotel has a luxurious Thai Vietnamese restaurant Sai Chol. Come to think of that, it's been 12 years and 8 months since my first visit to Montien Riverside Hotel and their Sai Chol restaurant. Time does fly fast. Last year's last night, I took my arrival dinner at Sai Chol with cool bottles of Chang beer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

It took an hour and some change to get there

I took this photo in Alton, England, the United Kingdom. Last year, I stayed in London for a couple of weeks. Before I got there, my few English acquaintances gave me travel tips. Someone told me that London is in England of course, but it's a little different from many other cities and towns in the UK. I could imagine what he meant, and I wanted to see the differences. Then I visited two different towns during my two weeks. One of the towns was Alton. It's a cosy, quiet, and beautiful town which has good old typical British pubs. Alton is an hour and some change train ride from London Waterloo Station. The point is that the station is the terminal station of the Alton Line by South West Trains. Getting there was rather simple for a first-timer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Get a view of Cairo from the Citadel

The photo shows a view of Cairo, Egypt from above. I took this photo when I went to visit the Saladin Citadel of Cairo. I could enjoy a panoramic view of the city from there. This is Egyptian capital that is the city where is about half an hour's drive away from the three pyramids in Giza. Everyone around me says they want to visit the three pyramid once, and viewing a pyramid from its bottom is at the top of their bucket list. I did it twice, but before going to Egypt, I never imagined that the city next to Giza is this much chaotic metropolis.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Vila Nova de Gaia; the home of Port wine

I took this photo in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. Gaia is across from Porto on the other side of the Douro River. I went to visit a Port wine cellar in Gaia. I tasted some glasses of famous Port wine and bought four miniature bottles of Port wine; While, Rose, Ruby, and Tawny. I love Tawny Port. Actually, it was my first experience to drink Port wine, but I became a big fan of it immediately. My hotel in Porto had a cozy bar on the ground floor ultra-fast with free Wi-Fi service. At night, I had glasses of Tawny Port at the bar, and googled the Internet to rethink what I would do on the following day, then after that went to bed.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A view of the Zagreb Cathedral from Zagreb Eye

I took this photo at Zagreb Eye Viewpoint in Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb Eye Viewpoint is on the top of a building in the heart of the city and you can enjoy viewing the city from above. The photo shows only the Zagreb Cathedral and its surrounding area includes Dolac Market, but you can see a lot more from there. You can walk around almost 360 degrees. I borrowed a pair of binoculars and viewed details of many landmarks. After Zagreb Eye Viewpoint, I visited Christmas market again and had a hot dog for lunch.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saint Andrew's Crosses lit up the street

I took this photo in Amsterdam, Holland at night. Three Saint Andrew's Crosses lit up the street and they looked this cool with the picturesque buildings in Amsterdam. It was my second time to visit Holland, but I was staying in Monnickendam during my first trip to Holland and visited Amsterdam as a day trip. I mean that time I left Holland without walking around Amsterdam at night. I didn't know that it was so much fun, though. I walked around the city every night. I think I can never be bored with Amsterdam. When you do it, beware of trams.

Leffe Bruin and Dagverse Rijsttaart

I took this photo at a nice cafe restaurant in Antwerp, Belgium. A glass of Leffe Bruin and a piece of cake. To order a piece of cake at the cafe wasn't exactly easy for me. The first menu book that I was given was written in a language that I couldn't read, then they gave me the other one. I started to flip over the menu book and I realized that it was written in the other language that I couldn't read. I was wondering how many languages they spoke. I went with my gut and ordered Dagverse Rijsttaart. The photo shows my result. It wasn't a chocolate flavored dessert....

Friday, October 17, 2014

Notre-Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg

The photo shows Notre-Dame Cathedral (Luxembourgish: Kathedral Notre-Dame) in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg. I took this photo by my iPad mini. Only a short while later, I found a postcard stand in front of a shop, and bought a few postcards and stamps there. Generally, postcards show the cities landmarks or beautiful view from above, so I got ideas where to see in Luxembourg city from those postcards and continued to walk around. It was so much fun. Not to mention the city was beautiful, it was obvious. Not only that, but the city was clean.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ah, there it is.

I took this photo in Amsterdam, Holland. There was something familiar in the street. McDonald's. I've been seeing lots and lots of McDonald's in many different countries and cities, and if my memory is correct, I've had lunch at McDonald just one time during my trip. Yeah, one of the McDonald's in Pattaya was along the beach road. At that time, I wanted to use a table to write something, and I thought McDonald's would be the best place to have lunch and a little break after that. According to something like a diary, I had a Big Mac Combo and spent 99 THB.

Where do I start from?

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. A very beautiful city. That day, the weather was a little gloomy, but still. Everything I saw was beautiful things in a beautiful European city. Also, Belgium has good beer. I enjoyed a glass of Stella Artois and a glass of Leffe Bruin at a cafe with nice Belgian food and a sweet dessert. If the menu was written in English, I could order a chocolate cake or something, or probably I should have learned a little Dutch, French or German before my trip to Belgium. I don't even know the differences of three different languages, so if I need to, where do I start from?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A 7-Eleven on the Las Vegas strip

I took this photo in Las Vegas, NV, the United States of America. 7-Eleven is a convenience store that will be spotted immediately in many different cities in the US and many different countries in Northern Europe, Asia and so on. One of my American acquaintances taught me about the first 7-Eleven shop. It was opened in Dallas, Texas where he was born, and after that it spread out all over the map. Everything has a beginning. Anyways, I think it's a good business, make the world a more convenient place. Actually, I'm a big fan.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to get to one's destination from Schipol Airport

The photo shows the entrance of my hotel in Amsterdam, Holland. The hotel is located in Prinsengracht and is just around the corner from Leidseplein square. From the airport, I took the Schiphol Hotel Shuttle to get to the hotel. The Schiphol Hotel Shuttle is such a convenient shuttle service for first-timers. It runs from / to Schiphol Airport and all hotels in Amsterdam, Holland. The point is that each van provides free Wi-Fi service. The driver dropped me right in front of my hotel's entrance exactly where the photo shows. Thanks for that.

Monday, October 13, 2014

'Twas the day before Halloween 2013

I took this photo in front of the London Dungeon in London, England, the UK on the day before Halloween 2013. The London Dungeon is right next to the London Eye and I was killing time to wait my turn to get in a passenger capsule of the London Eye. Since the London Eye is one of the most popular tourists attractions in London, after I scored a ticket I had to wait for a long time till my ticket will be valid. There, I got too much time on my hands, so I just walked around the area and took a lot of photos like this.

TG676 BKK - NRT; the 1st meal; Mar 2014

The photo shows an in-flight meal of Thai Airways International flight TG676 Bangkok, Thailand to Narita, Tokyo (BKK - NRT). It was about a six-hour flight and the photo shows the first meal on the plane. Luckily, the main dish was my favorite Thai rice soup with minced pork named Khao Tom Moo Sap (Thai: ข้าวต้มหมูสับ). It was yummy, absolutely. By the way, I took the flight in March, 2014 and the aircraft was the super-hot Airbus A380. A double-deck, wide-body jet had personal screens for each seat, and THAI provided a wide variety of movies, music, TV programs and so on. Since the aircraft could hold more than 500 passengers, I needed to wait for my suitcase at the baggage claim for a little bit longer than my other flight experiences, but overall it was a very nice flight.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Look at the sky

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. While I was taking a stroll around Antwerp, Belgium, I looked at the gloomy sky countless times. Then, I found a statue in the street which was looking up to the sky just like I was doing in the same street. The sky looked like it was going to rain any minute. Come to think of that , one of my acquaintances from Scotland, the UK had told me that normally he spends 300 days a year on rainy days, 65 days a year on sunny days. I don't know his story was based on the exact number or not, but I was told that sunny days are rare in his birthplace Glasgow. How about Antwerp? To know that with their gut, people look up at the sky again.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I take off my hat to German technology

I took this photo on the 8th of January in 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt (Main) main station (Germany: Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof) was undergoing a massive renovation and looked exactly like the photo. The sound-proof sheet was outstanding. The stunning facade of Frankfurt (Main) main station was depicted in ornate detail on the sound-proof sheet. What an eye-opening technology, isn't it? Everything the Germans do is way better than all things are in my country. I take my hat off to them. Well done!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Lock one's mouth and throw away the key

The photo shows the entrance of Cenacolo Vinciano in Milan, Italy. It's the place where you can see the world-famous mural art of The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper was painted on a wall of a church named Santa Maria delle Grazie in late 15th century, and is still there. It is amazing, and it was amazing I could see The Last Supper with my own eyes. The Last Supper was so much huger than I expected before, and also right in front of the art, I felt like I was hearing a babble of the twelve disciples, and they seemed so real. You know the saying A picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll lock my mouth and throw away the key.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The photo shows Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana, Slovenia. What a beautiful building, isn't it? It was a single-day trip, so I didn't have to think about any accommodations, and I just had to think about the train schedule. Come to think of it, the ground research has been done. So, in the future, when I go back to Ljubljana, Slovenia, and if it's necessary to book a hotel room in advance, I already know the lay of the land. Hopefully it will come in handy then. The only problem is that memory fades with age. I mean not for everyone, generally speaking.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What do you fancy for dinner?

I took this photo in Amsterdam, Holland at night. That day I had a huge Mexican lunch with bottles of cool corona and didn't get hungry in the evening, so I needed to walk around the city for a while to get room for another beer and pub grub. By the way, the Mexican place where I had lunch was fabulous. I was in the mood for something spicy, so I looked around the streets nearby Leidseplein (a.k.a. Leiden square) and chose the Mexican place. I was totally right. When in Amsterdam, you can enjoy lots and lots of cuisines from all over the world; Dutch, Mexican, Italian, Thai, British, and so on, also there are so many pubs and coffee shops.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A skyey blue building

I took this photo in London, England, the UK. It was a sunny Sunday and I went to visit Notting Hill and its famous Portobelo Road Market. Portobello is a popular street markets and people go on a wonderful shopping spree, or just walk around and shop around there. Area itself is very beautiful and has lots and lots of unique places to see, so if someone who is not exactly interested in shopping, I'm sure the person can find some other amusement. I enjoyed shopping and taking a lot of photos as well.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Grilled steak with French fries

The photo shows the main dish of my lunch at a restaurant in Luxembourg city, Luxembourg. If my memory is correct, it was three course menu with a choice of a several starters and a few desserts. I chose a country salad for a starter, and caramel custard for a dessert. The main dish was grilled steak with French fries. Everything was cooked just right and I really enjoyed the lunch break there. I didn't research anything before I got into the restaurant, but the restaurant seemed quite popular among the locals as well as tourists. English menus were available and a waitress spoke English.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Respect differences

I took this photo in Antwerp, Belgium. There was a bus terminal in the city. I took a photo of it, then I continued to walk around. Compare to Amsterdam, Holland, Antwerp, Belgium was easier to get to know the lay of the land, and also much quieter with less people. I don't know exact population of both cities, but Amsterdam was just packed with holidaymakers, so the city looked more hectic. Even though there wasn't any passport controls from and to the Netherlands and Belgium, I really felt like I arrived in a different country. Amsterdam and Antwerp were worlds apart. I enjoyed the differences.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I'm a Portugal aficionado

I took this photo in Lisbon, Portugal when I went to visit the Castle of São Jorge to see Lisbon from above. It wasn't exactly easy to get to the castle, but it was definitely worth going. What a fantastic view from there. By the way, it was the second time I have visited Portugal. During my previous trip, I stayed in Porto for five nights, then stayed in Lisbon for six nights. I met lots and lots of heartwarming people everywhere, saw a lot of beautiful buildings, and had very delicious Portuguese cuisine with cool Sagres beer. There are many Unesco World Heritage Sites in Portugal, but I personally believe that Portugal itself is like a World Heritage Site. I mean everything about Portugal is that great.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I prefer exotic atmosphere of a southern land

I took this photo at my hotel's restaurant in Colombo, Sri Lanka. There were a couple of restaurants in the hotel and this one was on the second floor. The other one was on the grand floor. The menus and prices were exactly the same, but the atmosphere was rather different. The hotel was in a commercial area of Colombo, so the restaurant on the grand floor had business-like setting. The restaurant on the second floor had more like tropical exotic mood. Cane chairs, vivid colored table cover, huge fan, natural air, and then some. I preferred the second floor's restaurant, especially cane chairs like the photo shows.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius

The photo shows Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius which is a Serbian Orthodox church in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was a very beautiful church with several domes with crosses on their tops. I found this beautiful building across from a street. I crossed the street to look closer and learned that the church was a Serbian Orthodox Church and was open from 08:00 to 19:00. I didn't go inside of the church, but took some photos from outside. The surroundings of the church was also beautiful and I really enjoyed to be there.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A hall of fame edition of Camaro

I took this photo in the Stratosphere Casino, Hotel and Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States of America. A hall of fame edition of this gorgeous Camaro was displayed on the Casino floor in front of slot machines. The HOF Camaro was roped by velvet rope and there was a sign which said to not touch the car. There were the "Eye in the Sky" in casinos of Las Vegas, so if someone touches the car, security officer will arrive there pretty soon. Anyway, the Camaro was displayed very nicely. People were posing next to the car for photos.