Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I remember the first night in Budapest, Hungary

This is my first photo in Budapest. I touched down in Budapest 5:35 p.m.. When I checked into my hotel, I was starving. Then, I got out of the hotel and first decided to go right. I don't know why. Soon, I found a nice eatery and ordered a couple of food. At the place I was able to choose to go or not to go. I chose to go. On the way hotel, I bought three tallboy beer cans. I didn't know which one was the Hungarian Beer, so I chose randomly. Overall, my first dinner in Budapest was quite awesome. It's just my two cents, but I think some Hungarian cuisine has a small touch of eastern Asian food, especially Japanese.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pattaya Park Tower

I've been to several places in Thailand and my favorite is Pattaya. The city has two beaches. One of them is along the Pattaya bay. It has a kind of hustle and bustle of a entertainment city, and has full of fun. The other one is called Jomtiem Beach. It's a kind of quiet beach than the other and one of the must see sights is Pattaya Park tower. The tower has 55 stories. It has such a cool revolving restaurant on the 52nd floor and able to enjoy various taste of Thai cuisine in buffet styled lunch or dinner with a fantastic view like the photo.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Epitome of Thailand

First of all, I went to Thailand to ride elephants and to eat authentic Thai cuisine. Back when I went to Thailand for the first time, I touched down in Bangkok late at night, so only thing I was able to do on the first day was checked into my hotel and you know, just crashed out. Then, on the second day, I found these trees in Bang Pa-In. It looked like a herd of elephants. I thought it was a great sense of showing love of elephants. It's just my two cents but, it looked like epitome of Thailand. Of course I saw a lot of real elephants and rode on their back, but these trees were also impressing kind of thing.

Before dusk, after dusk

I can't swim. I'd like to, but I can't, so I go tropical beaches to be the laziest woman in the world. I just sit on a lounge chair, listen to sound of waves, feel a breeze, have some beer and local cuisine, and the most important thing is doing nothing. I've lain down on a beach at night to see a lot of stars. I remember that one night in Negombo, Sri Lanka. After dusk, I had a dinner with some beer and went down on the beach once again. Soon, I lay down on the beach. It was amazing. I saw that much stars for the first time in my life; I've lived whole life in cities. I'm no linguist, I admit, but I just can't believe star is a countable noun. Is that true? Right now I can count stars, because I'm in a small city, but any other places in the world, I really don't know. It's a kind of confusing for me. Does anyone have a convincing answer of that?

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I've spent 32 days in Nepal. I spent 19 nights in Pokhara, 2 nights in Chitwan, 1 night in Lumbini, and 9 nights in the capital, Kathmandu. All of places were really interesting and attractted me a lot. Kathmandu was not a huge capital I'd say a kind of tiny, but it had a lot of nice places to visit. I took a stroll around aimlessly and once visited Swayambhunath (a.k.a. Monkey temple). There were enough cabs and rickshaws, but Swayambhunath was not so very long walk from Thamel, and the roads were not so very complicated, so I decided to get there on foot. I'm no expert, but I think a lot of tourists choose taking a cab or something like that due to the weather or any other reasons, I must admit. I spent a long time in Swayambhunath to see a lot of things. It was a sunny and bright day, so I was able to enjoy the beautiful scenery from the top of the hill.

Butter tea and Bhutanese snacks

I'm a beer addict, but I love drinking tea as well. World-famous Sri-Lankan Ceylon tea is one of my favorite. Once in Bhutan I've had butter tea (Bhutanese: Suja) for the first time. The taste was difficult to describe. I'd say it was the only tea in the world that had that kind of taste. It was something like butter and something like salt, but tea. Mine was not so very hot, kinda like lukewarm. Color was also difficult to explain. It was kinda like cloudy golden brown, or like cafe latte brown. The tea served with Bhutanese snacks exactly like the photo shows. The long and the short of it is, but I had a nice unforgettable afternoon tea in Bhutan.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A picturesque place in Bhutan

I've been to Punakha, Bhutan. Fortunately, it was a picture-perfect day. In Punakha, there was a beautiful historical Dzong. A very important holy place for Bhutanese. The place was fantastic. I remember the Blue sky, white clouds, green mountain range and the white-walled Dzong just like the photo shows. The scenery was really picturesque and I almost forgot to take a photo, because the place was already looked like a great picture. Eventually, this is the one I was able to take a photo in Punakha.

Absolutely beautiful country in the Himalayas

I've been to Bhutan to eat the spiciest food in the world. I was really excited getting there, and I went to a market to see their chili and any other vegetables. This market was in Thimphu which is the capital city of Bhutan. Bhutan is a country which is located in the Himalayas and Thimphu is located at over 2,500 meters high. I don't know much about agriculture, but because of the altitude Bhutanese chili is considered one of the spiciest chilies all over the world. I tried chilies salad sounded like izui or ezui in Dzongka. The salad was like a lot of hopped chilies and some cheese and salt. I really enjoyed it with beer. I flew in Bhutan from Nepal, so I saw the Himalayas from Drukair which is only airline able to fly into Bhutan.

Beautiful Machapuchare

I've been to Nepal to see the Himalayas and to eat authentic Nepalese curry. I was there in August and September, so it was a bit difficult to see the panoramic views of Himalayas. One day in Pokhara I was able to have an opportunity to take some shots of the Himalayan mountain range. The fantastic mountain on the center of the photo is called Machapuchare. I'm not an expert, but I heard that people are banned to climb this mountain to keep this beautiful shape. I agree. It should be banned for good. Oh, before I forget Nepalese beer named Everest was really cool.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Awesome bed making

I really love to hear the sound of waves and I personally believe that Sri Lanka is the best place to do that. It's an island country below India and has beautiful seashore around the country. I stayed in Negombo for about 90 days. One of the cozy hotels in Negombo beach was amazing. I was amazed by their bed making abilities. The bed decorated like a seashore and its wave. I had no idea to describe my emotion in my hotel room. Just, wow. I was gobsmacked and of course was speechless. It was just amazing. Extraordinary work ever. Ever. I carefully went into between the sheets and slept like a baby. I think I had a nice dream on the awesome bed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Can't miss the Phimai Historical Park

I've been to Korat (a.k.a. Nakorn Ratchasima) twice to visit the Phimai Historical Park which has one of the most important ancient Khmer temples of Thailand. Getting Phimai was not so very difficult. From Bangkok, I caught a train to Isaan district. It took five to six hours. I enjoyed the great scenery from the train windows and had a Thai styled lunch on the train. Then, I got out of the train at Nakorn Ratchasima that the place I was able to find a clean cosy hotel easily. From there, I took a bus to Phimai. It took about one and a half hours or so. I think it was a nice one day excursion from Nakorn Rachasima. Also, it's a can't miss place in Isaan, Thailand.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Marble temple in Bangkok

This is one of my favorite temples in Bangkok, Thailand. It's named Wat Benchamabophit (Thai: วัดเบญจมบพิตร). It's also known as Marble temple. I've heard that it made of Italian Marble and has very beautiful symmetric design. The vibrant orange roofs are also really nice and it really matches. In addition, this temple's image is used on reverse of five Baht coins. Because of that I think it's a kind of familiar shape for everyone. It's located next to Dusit zoo (a.k.a. Khao Din), very close to the Statue of Rama V in Dusit district.

A fantastic hotel in Yaowarat, Bangkok

I wanna show you one of my favorite Tom Yum soups. I usually stay at a kinda huge hotel in Chinatown (a.k.a. Yaowarat) in Bangkok, Thailand. The hotel has a nice restaurant on the 5th floor, and their Tom Yum is my best Tom Yum ever. It's enough spicy, and tasty, so it goes well with Thai rice and Singha beer. Sometimes I stay at any other different hotels in Bangkok, but I visit the hotel to have my lunch there. I can't forget the great taste, so the photo reminds me of Bangkok so much. The hotel also serves nice breakfast and the restaurant opens till 1 a.m. or so. The rooms are clean and cozy, beds and pillows are very comfortable. I think room making staff continually doing great jobs. I just wanna say thank them for having their nose to the grind stone to make tbe best Tom Yum and comfortable rooms.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Elephant riding in Sri Lanka

I've had elephant riding several times. I did it in Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The photo shows one of the experiences in Sri Lanka. It was the biggest elephant I've ever ridden. Just imagine, a very quiet road with a lot of palm trees and grass. There's no noise pollution and no cars. The elephant took a stroll around and was always starving, so ate a lot of grass during walking around the village. I love this experience. I was there on its back and I was able to see the world from above, but as you know it was a kinda bumpy ride. Beware of your flip-flops they can be easy to fall down.

My favorite Singha Beer and Thai food

One of my favorite Thai foods is called Lab Moo. During my time in Thailand I have Lab moo once every two days. The picture is from a very nice beautiful restaurant near Thonglo (a.k.a. Sukhumvit Soi 55). The place had low cany tables and the famous Thai Triangle Pillows. All staff are well-trained and very dedicated. I enjoyed Thai traditional band music as well. In Thailand, Thai locals put ice cubes in their beer glasses, so I had the same thing. When in Rome, you know? Overall, it was one of the fantastic nights in Thailand. I can't find this place anymore, but I'm always looking for somewhere similar cozy places in Thailand.

Friday, June 11, 2010

My favorite Beer Lao and Laotian food

After a long beautiful day in Laos, I enjoyed Laotian dinner at my favorite quiet place in Vientiane. First, I started by drinking Beer Lao and ordered Lab Moo and Sticky rice (a.k.a. khao niao). and after that I finished my dinner by drinking Beer Lao. In my humble opinion, Lao sticky rice is quite the same as Thai's, but Lab Moo is rather different. Laotian Lab Moo is using a lot of herb, so it looks greenly and is not that spicy as Thai's. I love spicy food, I love something new, so I love both of them. The point is Laotian Lab Moo goes well with Beer Lao that the fact that exactly the photo shows.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Patuxai has a small touch of Charles de Gaulle

I've traveled to Laos to have Beer Lao and Laotian food. I went to Vientiane and took a stroll around the beautiful capital. The photo shows Patuxai (can be spelled Patousai, a.k.a. Anousavary) which is one of the most popular places to visit in Vientiane. I think I saw something similar in Paris, but Patousai was more quiet and imperial. I love the place, because I was able to go to the top and able to see Champs-Elysees of Laos from there. I'm not an expert, but Laos is a former French colony and I often felt like a small touch of France from something else, or somewhere in Laos.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tropical fruits

During my time in Sri Lanka, I had king coconut (Sinhala: Thanbili) countless times. This big fruit has a full of fresh juice inside and it's so yummy. The juice looks like pristine clear water. It tastes like subtle sweet, smells like tropical island, and is not very thick kind of thing rather thin, but something generous. That's just my two cents. Vendors just cut off the top and make a hole. Sri Lankan locals are very good at drink straight from the hole, but for vacationers it's a bit hard to drink directly, so vendors prepare a lot of straws as well. Come to think of it, when I got the hives, I went to see a doctor. He gave me an injection, some medicines and asked to not forget drink Thanbili. My hives went away in 30 minutes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just veg out on the quiet beach

I was supposed to visit Colombo on my first night in Sri Lanka, but my flight was a red-eye. Then I recommended to go to Negombo first, because it's about 30 to 40 minutes drive away from Bandaranaike International Airport. In fact, Colombo is about one and a half hours away from the airport. I didn't know much about Negombo, but I decided to stay there for a couple of nights. I arrived a hotel around midnight. Very dark, very quiet and nobody on the road. Only thing I was able to hear was waves. Next morning, when I woke up late and opened the curtains, the scenery completely knocked me out. I didn't know, but the hotel was on the seashore, so the Indian Ocean was right in front of my eyes. Like the photo shows fishermen often go to the sea by their catamarans. Fish market was one of the must-see sights of Negombo. When I stay in a balcony or the beach, I felt breeze Monsoon wind all day long. As a result, I spent more than 90 days in Negombo.

The sun sets over the Indian Ocean

Which sunset do you definitely wanna see for the rest of your time on earth? I wanted to see the sun set over the Mekong. The sun sets in the west, so I crossed the a border and went to Vientiane, Laos from Nong Khai, Thailand, but I was not able to see the sunset due to the rainy season and overcast sky. However, I've seen a stunning sunset over the Indian Ocean in Negombo, Sri Lanka where the place the photo shows. The city was a kind of small fisherman's village, but had a great mother nature and friendly locals. There were several cozy hotels on the beach and had ocean view rooms. In one of those hotel's balconies, sitting on a lounge chair or a wicker chair with a glass of beer in one hand and enjoying the sunset was a really graceful experience.

Breathtaking views

One of my unforgettable breathtaking views were in Gampaha, Sri Lanka. The city was about forty to fifty minutes tuk-tuk (a.k.a. three-wheeler or Indian rickshaw) drive from Negombo. A rock temple is one of the city's must-see sights. When I went up the rocky slope, it was a fine sunny day with patchy clouds, and also there was a nice gentle Monsoon breeze. The place was absolutely quiet and there was a breathtaking view from the top of the rock. I felt like I was standing in the heart of the tropical jungle, because there were abundant palm trees as far as I could see. It looked like beyond the horizon, so I really love the place exactly where the photo shows.

What's the purpose of your visit?

I went to Sri Lanka to eat Rice & Curry everyday. I started morning by ordering a cup of Ceylon tea and a couple of loaf of breads. The bread was amazing. Inside of the bread it had a full of vegetable or meat curry paste and it was so yummy. For my lunch I often bought a lunch packet of Rice & Curry. Usually it wrapped in a newspaper and is easy to spot on a road. For my dinner I almost always ordered Rice & Curry and Beer Lion. It was really nice, because it was hot, spicy and healthy. The photo is Rice & Curry at a cozy restaurant in Chilaw, Sri Lanka.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I love Sri Lanka

My favorite country is Sri Lanka. I've spent 118 days in the brilliant island and I'm always wanting to back there to have Rice & Curry with Beer Lion, to see baby elephants and to enjoy the sun set over the Indian Ocean. The photo shows Pinnawala Elephant orphanage near Kandy, Sri-Lanka. The place is one of the common tourist trails especially for the elephant afficionados. There were tons of elephants. When I found a baby elephant coming towards me, I was really overzealous to take a picture of it, but a Sri Lankan local pulled my arm strongly and asked to be careful. He said that the elephant was small, but quite heavy, so if I continued to stand there, I would break my leg.

Live Trip Die

80 percent of the time I'm thinking about my next vacation. It'll be a long journey. I'm gonna visit Thailand, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, the US (Los Angeles, Las Vegas) and Sri-Lanka. During my trip I'll be able to celebrate my birthday in Giza, Egypt. I booked a Pyramids View room to enjoy my stay near the Pyramids area. Compare to any other hotels in Egypt, I'd say it's a kind of pricey hotel, but I think it'll be worth it. I wanna make the most of my time on earth. The photo is from Venice, Italy. Interesting canal mirrors for gondolas.