Friday, September 23, 2011

Masada, Israel

This is my another photo of Masada, Israel. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. Masada is an ancient Israeli fortification and it's situated on the top of huge rock like place, so I headed Masada by a cable car. First of all, when I arrived to my hotel in Jerusalem, Israel, a receptionist asked me if I wanted to join a local bus tour to get to the Dead Sea or Masada or somewhere else. I agreed with his suggestion and paid the cost in USD. The bus tour was on the next day of my arrival. A van picked me up at my hotel's entrance and took me to a meeting point. Then I crossed over to a bus and headed to Masada. After lunch at Masada, the bus took me to the Dead Sea. After that the bus returned to the meeting point, and I crossed over to a van again then the van took me to my hotel.

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