Tuesday, December 31, 2013

No ifs, ands, or buts about it

This will be the last post in 2013. I'm on vacation right now and I took this photo in front of the Riv (the Riviera Hotel and Casino) in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States of America. It seems like lots and lots of passersby from all over the world have been rubbing buttocks of the sexy bronze sculpture. See, only their buttocks shine out like stars. Passersby have been rubbing seven women's buttocks in the same way, haven't they? I don't see any unshined buttocks there. No ifs, ands, or buts about it (pun intended). I'm wondering how come many other parts of female back are not tempting.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Popular photo spot

The photo shows an obelisk which is stands in front of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States of America. I'm no expert, so please don't quote me, but the obelisk seems like having Egyptian hieroglyphs on the surface. When I visited Memphis, Egypt, I've seen real ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs which were carved in gigantic stone. The stone looked very old, but the hieroglyphs were still unweathered and could be seen. On the other hand, the obelisk of Luxor Las Vegas looks like a brand-new obelisk, but still. This is one of the popular photo spot along the Vegas Strip.


I took this photo in Las Vegas, America. A limo was parked in front of a gigantic hotel's entrance. I've never seen limos outside of Vegas, but when it comes to Vegas, I see limos quite often. It's hard to estimate the exact number, but say, I see limos at least two or three times a day here in Las Vegas. I've never gotten on, though. By the way, it's been 11 days in Vegas. A couple of days ago, I've finally gotten a great idea of the places to have rice in Vegas. Buffets. Why I didn't think of that? Anyways, I think it's better late than never. Rice is my staple and I really love rice.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign

I'm on vacation and am in Las Vegas, USA. This is my second time to visit Las Vegas. One of the landmarks in Las Vegas and I didn't go to see during my last trip was the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign. So I went to see the sign the day before yesterday. The sign is located at the southern tip of the Vegas Strip, and my hotel is located nearby northern end of the Vegas Strip. It took about four hours to get to the sign and come back to my hotel on foot. The sign was huge and tall, far more than I expected. It was good to see it.

Friday, December 27, 2013

I feel like something spicy

I took this photo at my favourite restaurant in Las Vegas, America around a week ago. I felt like something spicy on Saturday night and ordered their Loaded Chilli Cheese Fries for dinner with a bottle of Corona with a lime wedge. The loaded chilli cheese fries was this huge. For a lack of better word, but it looked like a small mountain which is way bigger than a molehill. Come to think of that, one of my American acquaintances had ever told me that it is often said that everything's bigger in Texas. I've coined a new phrase that everything's bigger in Vegas too. Overall, I love the loaded chilli cheese fries. It was spicy just right and went very well with Bottles of Corona.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fremont Street Casino District

I took this photo in the Fremont Street Experience in downtown, Las Vegas, NV, USA a few days ago. There was a huge Christmas tree in the Casino District. On top of that there was a little "Welcome to Fabulous Downtown Las Vegas Nevada" sign. From my point of view, the atmosphere of Fremont Street is very different from the heart of the Vegas Strip, but I kinda love it. I will definitely go again. What will happen to the tree after a Christmas Day?

A Christmas Day in Sin City

Hey guys, Merry Christmas. I'm still in Las Vegas, USA and I just came back to my hotel room with a large cup of coffee to wake me up. I went down to the casino floor just to buy some morning coffee, but I realised that today is something different. A lot of hotel's staff members and some guests are wearing Christmas costumes. I especially like the Christmas costumes of cocktail waitresses. They really know how to rock that bad boys and they definitely look like sexy Santa Claus. Well done, Vegas, well done. I'm really enjoying to be here.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I took this photo at the highest bar in Las Vegas, USA around 11:00 pm near the midnight. Right after I had a huge lunch included a lot of veggies, somehow I felt really sleepy and crashed out. I woke up around 21:30 and went to Strotosphere Tower to view the city from above at night. It was breathtaking as you can imagine. I enjoyed to watch some people got up to "Sky Jump" from 108 story, and also enjoyed to have a white bottled Budweiser and a cocktail with rum at the bar. While I was looking at my photo in my room, I realised that there was an eye-in-the-sky right above me. Hello, there!

A Little White Wedding Chapel

This morning I went to a post office in downtown, Las Vegas, NV, USA to send some postcards to my family, friend, and some acquaintances. On the way to the post office, I happened to find a Little White Wedding Chapel on the right. It was about 10 to 15 minutes from my hotel on foot. I don't have any maps, and I think I don't need a map in Vegas, so I didn't have any idea of it was there. Anyways, a Little White Wedding Chapel is world famous, because a lot of celebrities tied the knot right here just a quickie.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is coming

I'm in Las Vegas, the United States of America right now. Actually, this is my first time to spend Christmas Day and New Year's Day abroad. So everything I see is interesting and will be more interesting. So far I've been taking lots and lots of photos in Sin City, Las Vegas. I took this photo in front of a restaurant where I had dinner last night. The Christmas Tree was decorated in Coca-Cola signs and pretty red ribbons. There were several gift boxes at the bottom of the tree. What will happen on Christmas Day?

Bar in the air

I took this photo at the highest bar in Las Vegas, the United States of America. The bar is located on Level 108 of Stratosphere Tower. You can see the strip and the whole city from above with a bottle of beer or a glass of cocktail in one hand. It is definitely one of the best points to view the Vegas Strip from above. Note: only hotel guests are offered unlimited admission to Tower as a comp, the others have to pay 18 bucks each to access Stratosphere Tower.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I'm not jet-lagged

I could return to America after such a long three years and two months and am in Las Vegas, Nevada right now. I took a Condor flight from Frankfurt, Germany and flew in Vegas directly. At the Frankfurt Airport, a Condor staff asked me if I was interested in to upgrade my seat in such a good deal. To be honest, I don't really care about seat actually, but premium meals in the sky sounded really tempting. You know I love eating. So I upgraded my seat to the comfort class. The seat was comfortable had more leg room, meals were absolutely fabulous. By the way, I took this photo in my hotel room. It's huge and has a extra bar room behind the gigantic TV. I stay here until January 5th, 2014.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Markets 2013

Last night I went to Romer Square in Frankfurt am Main, Germany to see the Christmas Market 2013 and Germany's tallest Christmas tree. I've been visiting several Christmas Markets in Europe so far this year; Amsterdam, Holland | Lisbon, Portugal | Zagreb, Croatia | Ljubljana, Slovenia, and I'm now here in Frankfurt, Germany. Through my Christmas Market-hopping in 2013, Frankfurt's Christmas Market is the largest and the most crowded one. Yesterday, I had Potato Pancakes with sweet Apple Sauce and Mulled Wine. It was really nice to have something special for this time of the year in a sea of light as well as a sea of people. I love being in the middle of everything. The photo shows a Merry-Go-Round. There were more than one in Frankfurt's Christmas Market.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Was in a thick fog, now in the sunshine

My flight from Zagreb, Croatia flew in Frankfurt, Germany yesterday around 10:30. Even though, Zagreb Airport was covered by a thick fog. When the plain made a crash take off on time, I was just confused whether I should be happy or scared, but it was all much ado about nothing. I flew in Frankfurt safe and sound. From the huge high-tech airport, I took a S bahn train to Hauptbahnhof (Main). My hotel is located kind of in front of the station, so it was a piece of cake to spot my hotel.Yup, I got a good start here in Germany. By the way, the photo shows Eurotower. How I can take a better photo of this 40-story skyscraper with the sign?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

All's fair in love and war

The photo shows "bad memories eraser" which I bought at the Museum of Broken Relationships. There are so many museums and galleries here in Zagreb, and this is the only museum that I've visited. The museum is located in the upper town of Zagreb, Croatia. The things you can see in the museum are memorable left overs from broken-hearted people. The point is each one of them is displayed with a good and then bad story. Sometimes it was a bottle opener, sometimes it was a clock, kinds of those used to be very important for someone else. Time goes by, you may know it is what it is - Love. By the way, the museum was awarded as the most innovated museum in Europe in 2011. All's fair in love and war.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Go ham

The photo shows my third day's breakfast here in Zagreb, Croatia. The temperature was freezing like below zero, so I decided to have breakfast at my hostel's restaurant. I asked if I could have some bread, ham, fresh salad and a cup of coffee with milk. Then, a waitress brought me such a gorgeous breakfast exactly like the photo shows. The chef must have gone ham. Thanks a lot. By the way, I could pay for it in 30 Croatian kuna or 4 Euros. Actually, I had already exchanged my currency for Croatian kuna, so I paid in kuna. 30 kuna equals out 4 Euros lately.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Old Man Winter is coming

I took this photo on a street near the main railway station in Zagreb, Croatia. It looks like a crisp autumn day, but I'm sure winter is coming here. The low temperature will plunge to a couple of degrees below zero early in the morning, and will reach 5 to 7 in the middle of the day. Speaking of below zero temperature, a couple of days ago or so when I was walking on the streets here in Zagreb, my lip balm was kinda frozen and was stuck inside the tube.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Good hair day

I took this photo yesterday while I was exploring Zagreb, Croatia. The flag of Croatia looked very nice from the bottom of the building at that moment. Thank wind. Speaking of yesterday, I had an appointment to get a haircut at 14:00, so I had time to explore the city until then, but didn't have so much time. I'm on long vacation, and it's been 50 days since I departed. Then I thought this week would be time to have a haircut to make everyday a good hair day. Never ever a bad hair day.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Towel Warmer

The photo shows a Towel Warmer (a.k.a. Towel Dryer). I took this photo in the bathroom of my hostel room in Zagreb, Croatia. This device is absolutely fabulous. Have you seen this before? I've seen some photos of them before, but actually I saw the real one for the first time here in Zagreb, Croatia. If you see this for the first time, now you might think what do you use this for. It's simple. Hang your towel on the rails. With that, the rails keep your towels warm. So after taking a shower, or washing your face, you can use warm and dry towels. It's so cozy and is way more comfortable than any of the others, especially such freezing winter days. That's awesome, isn't it? Who innovated this? You are a genius. By the way, as a trial, I hanged my shirt and cardigan before I change my clothes in the morning. The Towel Warmer kept my clothes warm and cosy as well as towels. I don't know much about Towel Warmer, so I probably used the Towel Warmer the wrong way, but the point is I felt very happy to wear a warm shirt and a cardigan.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hanging on wires

I took this photo in Ljubljana, Slovenia. There were some wires across the street and many shoes were hanging on wires as well as some stunning umbrellas. I didn't exactly know what was happening there, but the shoes and umbrellas got all my attention, so I took a photo first, and later on googled it. Come to think of it, nowadays I think it's funny that if I don't know something, and want to know it, then google it to know, and I know somebody already asked the Mr. Google exactly the same question about it.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Zagreb, Croatia to Ljubljana, Slovenia by train

Yesterday; on the 6th of December, I visited Ljubljana, Slovenia from Zagreb, Croatia with a day return ticket. I took a train at 06:50 from Zagreb and arrived in Ljubljana at 09:06. Minutes after train started to run, a Croatian railway officer came into a car to check passenger's ticket. Since Croatia is not a Schengen country right now, there was passport control on the train. When the train stopped at Dobova, Slovenia, several Croatian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification. I got a departed stamp on my passport. Shortly after this happened, several Slovenian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification. Then, I got a land stamp on my passport. After a while a Slovenian railway officer came to a car to check passenger's ticket. The reverse process had done on my return trip. I took my return train at 14:45 from Ljubljana and came back in Zagreb at 17:13.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A view from Zagreb Eye

Today I visited Zagreb Eye which is located in downtown of Zagreb, Croatia. What's Zagreb Eye? It's a fairly new landscape of Croatian capital where you can see the stunning city centre from above. It's on the 16th floor of a skyscraper in the heart of the city. You can borrow a pair of binoculars at the check-in counter to see the details of the famous churches or buildings and so on. The good point is you can re-enter to the observation deck as well as in the evening to enjoy night view or something, if you still keep the ticket that you purchased at 20 HRK since then.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

St. Mark's Church, Zagreb, Croatia

The photo shows St. Mark's Church in Zagreb, Croatia. After I saw a photo of this pretty nice roof of the church on the Internet, I really wanted to see this church with my own two eyes and today I was finally there. To be honest, I planned to visit the church yesterday, but like I wrote in my previous post, the sun set a little too earlier than I expected, so I just couldn't. After I left Amsterdam, Holland, It's been being perfect sunny days for 13 days in a row. The weather can make or break a trip, so I think luck seems to follow me.

The sun set ten past four or so

It's been four and a half hours in Zagreb, Croatia. This morning I took a TAP Portugal Airlines flight TP 862 from Lisbon, Portugal and flew in Zagreb via Bologna, Italy. Landing on Bologna, Italy was a technical stop, so I was not allowed to get out of the plane. I was just sitting on my seat for 45 minutes or so. Then, finally. The photo shows my hostel room. I will spend for 13 nights from tonight until 16th in Croatia. The outside temperature is much colder than Portugal, but my hostel has a central heating system as you can see on the photo, so it's very warm and totally comfortable. One thing I was surprised pretty much was the sunset time. It was around ten past four here in Zagreb. Isn't it too early? I was so confused and thought if I forgot to fix my watch from Portuguese time to Croatian time, but it wasn't like that. The sun sets early. All I could do today was just went to a local super market to buy a bottle of water and six-pack of Croatian tall boy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I personally believe that Portuguese bread is the best in the world. I mean in the countries where I've been to so far. I'm talking about this kind of simple bread exactly like the photo shows. It is often served with soup or main meals in Portugal and goes really well with a lot of fabulous Portuguese cuisine. It tastes like so bland, and the texture is a little bit hard outside, and very soft inside. I took this photo at my favourite restaurant in front of Rossio Railway Station. This time, I chose a hotel near Rossio Station just because going to the restaurant many many times. Tomorrow morning, I will take a plain to Zagreb, Croatia. Now, it is about time for dinner. What I'm gonna have for my last dinner in Lisbon? Oh, my goodness. Everything is so tempting here in Portugal.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Walk toward a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Yesterday, I visited Belem district in Lisbon, Portugal. It was sunny and warm perfect day, so I decided to get to Belem on foot and I did. It took about a couple of hours or so to get there from my hotel near the Rossio Railway Station. I must admit, but there are so many options to get to Belem; bus, tram, train, taxi and so on. I chose walking on the boardwalk along the port and marina. The photo shows a part of Jeronimos Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jeronimos). It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site.