Saturday, December 7, 2013

Zagreb, Croatia to Ljubljana, Slovenia by train

Yesterday; on the 6th of December, I visited Ljubljana, Slovenia from Zagreb, Croatia with a day return ticket. I took a train at 06:50 from Zagreb and arrived in Ljubljana at 09:06. Minutes after train started to run, a Croatian railway officer came into a car to check passenger's ticket. Since Croatia is not a Schengen country right now, there was passport control on the train. When the train stopped at Dobova, Slovenia, several Croatian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification. I got a departed stamp on my passport. Shortly after this happened, several Slovenian police officers came into the train and checked passenger's Picture Identification. Then, I got a land stamp on my passport. After a while a Slovenian railway officer came to a car to check passenger's ticket. The reverse process had done on my return trip. I took my return train at 14:45 from Ljubljana and came back in Zagreb at 17:13.

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