Friday, December 19, 2014


I'm on vacation right now and the photo shows my arrival dinner at Puk Boong Loy Fa on Pattaya Klang Road in Pattaya, Thailand. I've been having dinner at the restaurant since my second visit to Pattaya and I'm a big fan. What I chose for the arrival dinner this time was ไส้ตันทอดกระเทียม. I guess only hard-core Thai food lovers had eaten ไส้ตันทอดกระเทียม, but the others are not, so I need to explain this fabulous food. ไส้ตัน means a part of pork offal. ทอด means deep-fried, and กระเทียม means garlic. So ไส้ตันทอดกระเทียม is like Deep-fried pork offal with garlic. A yummy selection.

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