Sunday, March 22, 2015

An open double-decker ferry

The photo shows one of the open double-decker ferries which you can see somewhere in between Bali Hai Pier, Pattaya and Koh Lan (a.k.a. Ko Lan or coral island) in Thailand. I took this photo from another open double-decker ferry which was going back to Bali Hai Pier, Pattaya from Koh Lan. One way fare of the cheapest double-decker ferry service in between Pattaya and Koh Lan was 30 THB. There were lots of different services to get to Koh Lan from Pattaya (of course costs vary), but I took the cheapest ferry service for both way. There weren't any ticket stubs, reservation fees or something like that. 30 THB, nothing more.

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