Sunday, March 1, 2015

It depends how things go

I took this photo in Athens, Greece. I saw a tram that ran on the street and I quickly took a photo of it. Generally speaking, taking a photo of moving object is pretty difficult. A few years ago, I was interested in to go to Saint Martin (French: Saint-Martin, Dutch: Sint Maaten) in the Northeast Caribbean to visit Maho beach. The island has two parts which is known as the French side and the Dutch side. Maho beach is on the Dutch side of the island and the beach and the Princess Juliana International Airport is juxtaposed to each other. I've heard that as the international airport is right next to the beach, people  on the beach are able to view low flying aircrafts. I saw a lot of amazing photos on the Internet, but I have no idea how they took that nice photos of flying aircrafts.

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