Sunday, November 22, 2015

ยำมาม่ากุ้ง: Yum Mama with Prawns

The photo shows ยำมาม่ากุ้ง (Pronounce: Yum Mama Koong, English: Spicy Instant Noodles Salad with Prawns). I used this photo as the image photo of my blog for six months, and this morning I changed it. ยำมาม่า (Pronounce: Yum Mama) is a type of Thai salad which is made of Thailand's most popular instant noodles brand มาม่า (Pronounce: Mama). If you find ยำมา in a menu book, you might choose your ingredients as you'd like; prawns, minced pork, mixed seafood and so on. Check yourself first. I went with prawns (Thai: กุ้ง) and it was so yummy.

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