Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cenacolo Vinciano

I'm in Milan, Italy right now and today I've done one of the most important things in my bucket list. I saw The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. The original of ultra-famous painting was drawn on a wall of a dining hall in a church named Santa Maria delle Grazie in the late 15th-century and the place is now called Cenacolo Vinciano. To save the world-famous art from aging, they strictly control the flow of people and entry is allowed up to 30 people every 15 minutes. Of course, taking photos or videos are banned in the ancient dining hall. So no photo for this post, but the ticket. I almost cried seeing The Last Supper with my own eyes. It was in front of me about six hours ago. Mille Grazie. God bless Milano, Italia.

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