Thursday, January 15, 2015

See you later alligator. In a while crocodile.

I flew in to Suvarnabhumi I nternatinal Airport, Bangkok, Thailand on the 17th of December 2014, and today is the 30th day which means I have to leave Thailand otherwise my visa will expire. I'm in Pattaya right now and is about a 2-hour drive to the airport, so I will catch a cab tonight at 18:00, it's a little too early for my red eye flight, but it's just in case. A lot of things could do in a day and I wanna enjoy Pattaya to the end. By the way I took this photo at Art in Paradise Pattaya near the exit. There was a cafe  in between this art and the exit. I don't say goodbyes, I say see you later. Always.

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