Friday, April 29, 2011

Please note that the Museo del Prado is closed on Mondays

The photo shows the Museo del Prado (a.k.a. Prado Museum or something like that) in Madrid, Spain. I couldn't go inside because it was Monday. On Tuesday, I was planning to back to Thailand, so I went to Barajas airport in the morning. Until the plane went to the runway everything was fine, but an accident happened out of the blue. All passengers on the plane needed to take airport buses and needed to return to the airport building. All of us needed to wait at the airport for about eleven hours or so. I was not in a hurry and I really love Spain, so it was alright, but if I had another eleven hours in Madrid, I could visit the Museo del Prado. Anyway, I was able to eat really yummy Jamón Ibérico sandwich at the airport and it was on the airline company. Having the sandwich had made me feel better and better. I mean it was absolutely yummy. Try Jamón Ibérico sandwich at Barajas airport. Can't miss.

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