Saturday, June 9, 2012

Is that seat free?

I took this photo at a swim-up bar of my hotel in Giza, Egypt. The hotel was this close to the Three Pyramids in Giza. What a view, right? The gigantic pyramid on the photo is the Pyramid of Khafre which is the second-largest one out of the famous Three Pyramid in Giza. First of all, I've read about the hotel on a travel magazine and I decided to stay in the hotel to celebrate my birthday. Actually, the hotel was one of the luxurious hotels in Giza and obviously it cost an arm and a leg. It took me a few days to think about it, but it was all for the best. The qualities, the facilities, and the hospitalities were surprisingly nice. Also, the hotel was secure enough. Everyone needed to step through a metal detector to get into the hotel. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but standing in front of the Pyramids was truly worth the money.

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