Sunday, June 3, 2012

Portuguese pay-phone booths

I took this photo nearby Belém Tower in Lisbon, Portugal. Portuguese pay-phone booths. It was on the cobblestone lane on my way to Belém Tower. I thought the color of the pay-phone booths was similar in tone to the atmosphere of beautiful Belém. I liked the sky-blue phone handle. I went to Belém to visit Padrão dos Descobrimentos (a.k.a. Monument to the Discoveries) and Belém Tower, but other than those famous two, Belém district itself looked pretty nice. Everything there looked so beautiful even pay-phone booths. After taking this photo, nature called me, so I dropped by a comfort station and after that got into Belém Tower. I stayed for a long time deep inside of Belém Tower and toook a lot of photos of it. The area where you can visit Belém Tower is also called Santa Maria de Belém. One of the must-sees in Lisbon, Portugal.

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