Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cool one's parched throat with a cold Beer Lao

I took this photo at my favorite Laotian eatery in Vientiane, Laos. The first day of my second visit to Vientiane, right after checked in to a hotel, I went to the eatery to have lunch. First, I cooled my parched throat with a cold bottle of Beer Lao and ordered Laab moo (it's also spelled Larb moo or Laap moo or Larp moo) and sticky rice. A while later the a waitstaff came back to me and said sticky rice hadn't boiled yet. So, I ordered white rice instead and enjoyed all of them. The eatery is located next to the That Dam (a.k.a. the Black Stupa). Check it out. You can enjoy authentic Laotian food with a cold Beer Lao.

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