Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Definitely, a genius at closet as well

This is one of my photos from Art in Paradise Pattaya in North Pattaya, Thailand. The image shows one of the most famous geniuses of our long long human history. And... he is my mentor for some reason, so I took this photo at Art in Paradise Pattaya (taking photos was allowed inside of Art in Paradise Pattaya, by the way). So now, how come Albert Einstein is my mentor, right? One of my Israeli acquaintances had ever told me some great anecdotes of Einstein. One of the anecdotes that I've head from my acquaintance was that Einstein was always lining up the same type of shirt, suits, and everything even its colours, due to he didn't want to waste his time to choose his clothes. I stole his idea ever since. Some of mines has different colours, but may not be very different. I can say they are no different, and I think I could stop wasting time just for choosing clothes when it comes to for work. I believe that he was definitely a genius. At closet as well.

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