Saturday, March 18, 2017

Mama Tom Look Chin Pla : มาม่าต้มลูกชิ้นปลา

The photo shows Mama Tom (Thai:  มาม่าต้ม) which I had at a noodle stall in Chinatown, Bangkok, Thailand. Mama Tom is like a bowl of MAMA instant noodles with Thai ingredient, and is one of my favourite Thai foods. In Chinatown, Bangkok, my Mama Tom was served with some fish balls like the photo shows. Fish balls are called Look Chin Pla (Thai: ลูกชิ้นปลา) in Thai. If you say Mama Tom Look Chin Pla (Thai: มาม่าต้มลูกชิ้นปลา) at a noodle stall somewhere in Thailand, a bowl of noodles like the photo shows will be served for you. It'll be yummy!! I'm obsessed with it.

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