Monday, February 28, 2011

Wait until dark

When I was in Budapest, Hungary, I waited until dark and visited the Chain Bridge (Hungarian: Lánchíd) to enjoy the night view. The photo shows the Chain Bridge and the Royal Palace. I think I should have visited there during twilight to take nicer pictures, but at least I was able to take a picture like this. It was absolutely a breathtaking view. The Chain Bridge allowed people to walk, so I enjoyed crossing the famous bridge and looked down the river Danube (Hungarian: Duna, German: Donau) from above.

Good old days

Recently, I don't write handwritten letters like I used to. E-mails are quite easy, and I got used to it, so I can't write nice handwritten letters anymore. However, I often send postcards to my acquaintances during my trip. Choosing exotic postcards are fun, and it reminds me of good old days. I have bad penmanship and my handwriting looks like chicken scratch, but I personally believe that sometimes it's better than e-mails or e-postcards. I took this picture in Copenhagen, Denmark. I sent three postcards from Denmark.

I've eaten curry 24 days in a row

The photo shows Sri Lankan Prawns curry and rice with Papadums. I took this picture at my favorite restaurant in Unawatuna, Sri Lanka. When I spent time in Unawatuna for 24 days in a row, I went to this place everyday. The place was adjacent to the Indian Ocean, and was located around the middle of the Strand (a.k.a. Yaddehimulla Road). A wide variety of International cuisine and Sri Lankan cuisine on the menu, and tasted professional. I didn't eat Western cuisine at the restaurant, though.

Go Green

I found this stunning street lamp at the Puerta Del Sol in Madrid, Spain. There was a planter on a pole. How interesting. As you know, the Puerta Del Sol is one of the most popular squares in Madrid and there were so many people from morning to night. People were talking, walking, sitting, kissing and doing anything else as they like. The place seemed like the epitome of hustle and bustle of the huge capital in Europe. I was there and I was doing nothing, but I took some pictures. This is one of them and my favorite one.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Zoom in

When I stayed in Negombo, Sri Lanka, I met a couple of Caucasian couple from Holland. There were so many tourists staying in the same hotel, and they were the first one who talked to me at a hotel's restaurant. By the way, the photo shows a windmill. Of course I wanted to take a nicer picture of it, but the windmill was way bigger than I expected and it was a little too hard to find the exact camera angle. I've had the same kind of experiences in front of the Himalayas, Sagrada Família, Heroes' Square and so on. It happens all the time.

Priority #1

When I headed to Lucerne, Switzerland from Munich, Germany by a coach, I dropped by Liechtenstein. Things I did in Liechtenstein were not so much. My first priority was getting a stamp on my passport. The stamp was so cute. It was an original design of Liechtenstein and had a crown on it. The crown colored red, and the others colored black; need money to get a stamp. It was a crisp spring day, so I was able to see the snow-covered Swiss Alps from there. I don't climb mountains, but I love to see beautiful mountain ranges.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The earth is round

I love to see the sun set. This place is Negombo, Sri Lanka. I wanna be there right now. Last time I went to Sri Lanka, I spent for 24 days in Unawatuna, so I couldn't see the sun set like this, because the sun sets in the west. Someone told me that the sunsets in Madrid were great, the other one told me that the sunsets in Savanna were amazing, I told them the sunsets in west coast in Sri Lanka were fascinating. The sun sets over the Indian ocean in a gentle pace. While I was watching the sun set, I was thinking that the earth is round.

Gastronomical feast at a Thai Suki place

I took this picture at my favorite restaurant in Chinatown in Bangkok, Thailand. I had Thai Suki for a dinner and these plates had my favorite ingredients; dumplings, meat, fish, mushrooms, and such. Thai suki is commonly called Suki (Thai: สุกี้) and is one of the popular food in Thailand. It can be enjoyed by all ages, so places for Suki are always packed like a zoo. Cook Suki at a Suki restaurant is very easy. First, choose some favorite ingredients on the menu, and then put the ingredients in a hot pot. Next, wait a second and then eat. It's that simple. Can't miss.

It's a start

I flew in Paro, Bhutan from Kathmandu, Nepal by a Druk Air. When I got out of the airport, there were a lot of drivers and guides waiting their guests. That's because tourists were not allowed to go anywhere without a Bhutanese guide and a driver. Some of them began saying Kuzu Zangpo in Dzongkha, next person, next person... They meant hello. That was my first time to hear Dzongkha. It was a start. During my trip, I learned some more Dzongkha phrases and vocabulary then finally bought a dictionary as a souvenir. The photo shows a prayer flag. I took this picture on a bridge.

The city was full of Mozart

Salzburg, Austria is known for the birth place of Mozart; a famous musician. Mozart relative things spread out all over the city. Let's say for example souvenirs, packages, posters, a life-size figure and so on. Also, Austrian one euro coins have his portrait on it. The photo shows Salzburg form above. I found a staircase somewhere in the city and went up the stairs and took this picture. I went there as a one-day trip from Munich, Germany by a train. I had a lunch and a dinner in Salzburg, and returned to my hotel in Munich at night.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The curry and rice saved my life

The photo shows my lunch at my hotel's restaurant in Giza, Egypt. First, I ordered Stella, then chose a Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice. It served with Papadums. I took the lunch after exploring the Pyramids area on the back of a horse. The area was this close to the hotel, but it was surprisingly dry and boiling. So then, I was really thirsty and exhausted. After I returned to my hotel, I went to the restaurant right away. I wanted to drink something immediately instead of taking a quick shower or changing sandy cloths or something like that. The chicken curry was so yummy and spicy. The basmati rice and Stella saved my life.

What else can I do?

Have you ever had any unwanted experiences that you needed to take a picture against the sun? It happened to me in Prague, the Czech Republic. When I went to see a bronze statue of Franz Kafka, the sun was located over there and the famous statue looked a little too shady. However, I didn't have enough time to wait for the right moment, so I took a picture and this is the result. Sometimes you hafta do what you hafta do. Of course I tried to photoshop this picture, and it's getting better, but still. What else can I do?

Amazing Siam Ocean World

Siam Ocean World (Thai: สยามโอเชี่ยนเวิร์ล) is located on the first basement of Siam Paragon (Thai: สยามพารากอน) in Bangkok, Thailand. It's the most gigantic aquarium in Southeast Asia. The admission included take a Glass Bottom Boat with an English speaking guide to see sharks and sharksuckers and such, take a unique Fish Spa for a while, take a little rest with some complimentary Coke. I took this picture in a long glass tunnel under the huge shark's pool. At the time one of the most dangerous fish in the world was going to get across over my head.

Fabulous fusion food

Nasi Goreng is a world-famous Indonesian cuisine. Nasi means rice, Goreng means fried, so it's kind of like Fried Rice often served with an egg sunny-side up. When I ordered a Nasi Goreng at an ocean view restaurant in Negombo, Sri Lanka, it served with Papadums instead of shrimp-flavored Southeast Asian crackers named Krupuk. So, the photo shows sort of a fusion dish. It looks like Sri Lankan fried rice, but taste was different because of the spice. Papadum is kind of like Sri Lankan cracker. It's crisp and tasty. Sri Lankan locals like to shatter Papadums into small pieces with their right hand and mix them with rice.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

York from above

I've traveled around the UK by coach. I've been to England, Scotland, and Wales; major cities are London, York, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Loch Ness, Glasgow, Liverpool, Cardiff, Chester, Bath. The photo shows a part of York. I thought it was a unique city because of its City Walls; you can see on the picture. People were able to walk on the walls just like me, and continue to take a stroll around the city aimlessly. I love city views from above, so in my humble opinion, York is a nice place to walk.

Do you have the time?

I found these cool wall clocks on the Mt Pilatus in Lucerne (German: Luzern), Switzerland. I know many hotels in the world or airports display the time around the world like this. However, these clocks in Lucerne were interesting to me. Because of the bezels. Inside of clocks are often full of wheels. The wall clock's bezels looked like the wheels. How interesting. Come to think of it, Switzerland is famous for its chocolate, cheese, cowbells, army knives, and clocks & watches. Is that the reason they got this ingenious idea?

Falafel is sort of a national dish in Israel

When I said that I was going to go to Israel, a couple of my acquaintances include Israeli recommend to eat Falafel to me. It's kind of like deep-fried balls stuffed with mashed chickpeas you can see on the photo. On the second day in Israel, I took a Falafel plate with Israeli salad in Masada. The photo shows my second Falafel experience. It's a Falafel pita sandwich. I took it in Tel Aviv. After a long time enjoying the beach and sunshine, I dropped by a Falafel shop and bought this one. After that, I backed to my hotel. My hotel was on Gordon street and the Falafel shop was visible from my room. So, my hotel was just cross the street from this shooting location.

I want a blue one

I took this picture in Malmö, Sweden in the middle of January. The place was so cute. There were some trees and on a tree there were a lot of backlit gift boxes, I mean each box had a bulb inside. I don't know proper name of it, so I will call it gift tree. I think the gift tree was a fabulous idea. It's not only an idea, it's an innovation, actually. In winter, when all the leaves fell out of the trees, and the streets around there look so cold or freezing. Everybody needs something to warm up. Personally I believe the gift tree was able to make passersby feel warm inside.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Informative receptionist

My hotel in Lisbon, Portugal was great. The hotel's receptionists were surprisingly nice and very helpful. First of all, one of the receptionists gave me a city map and gave me directions before I asked about it. It helped me a lot. According to his information, the hotel was about five-minute walk from the nearest Metro station named Marquês de Pombal and the next station named Restauradores was about a few minutes by a metro or 15-minute walk from the station. From there, I was able to get to the picturesque Baixa district easily. The photo shows a beautiful view on the way to Marquês de Pombal station from my hotel. I truly enjoyed walking in Lisbon because of the stunning scenery and the map.

I cross the street, but before that...

I love Satays, so when I'm in Thailand, often eat like this. I bought these Satays on the Yaowaraj (Thai: เยาวราช) street, Chinatown in Bangkok. It's called Look Chin Ping (Thai: ลูกชิ้นปิ้ง). One night, when I went to a convenience store to buy some cans of Thai beer, I just couldn't cross the street again to get back to my hotel because of the notorious traffic jam. Back then I was standing next to a Satays stall and all of them looked so yummy exactly like the photo shows. With that, these four Satays happened to be my dinner. I liked the leftmost one. It's called Pla Muek Yang (Thai: ปลาหมึกยา่ง).

When it rains it pours

On the way to Venice from Rome, I stopped by Maranello, Italy. The town is famous for Ferrari. Actually, it wasn't on the itinerary, and I don't know much about Ferrari, but somehow I got out of a coach and took some pictures of a museum named Galleria Ferrari. The photo shows one of them. I've never seen car races, but the entrance looked so cool. Rome was sunny and occasionally cloudy, Venice was picture perfect, but Maranello poured. I'm not sure, but if it was a sunny day, and if I was lucky, I could see a test drive or something like that. What a shame.

Do you know how to buy a ticket?

This is the BTS skytrain (Thai: รถไฟฟ้าบีทีเอส, Pronunciation: Rot Fai Fa BTS) of Bangkok, Thailand. It's a very convenient transportation in the chaotic metropolitan; Bangkok. Getting ticket from a ticket vending machine is pretty simple. You need coins. First, find your destination on a route map, and remember the area number. Next, push a button of the number on a vending machine. Then, a tiny window shows your price. After that, put coins and finally take your ticket. Automatic ticket gates are over there. Put your ticket first, and don't forget to take your ticket.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eyes are bigger than one's stomach

Generally, I eat three meals a day, but when I was traveling in the States, I was not able to eat three meals a day. I just couldn't. Why? The photo shows the answer. It looked like an extra-large one, but it wasn't in the States. My trip was for the first time to visit mainland, so I wanted to eat a lot of American Cuisine, but I just gave up. After spending a couple of nights in the States, I quickly learned that my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Anyway, the photo shows a Steak Salad. I took this dish at a hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada for a brunch.

The Fisherman's Bastion

I took this picture in Budapest, Hungary. After I saw this cute place for the first time on the Internet, I really wanted to visit there, and finally. This is called the Fisherman's Bastion (Hungarian: Halászbástya) located on the castle hill in Buda side. Budapest had so-called "Buda side" and "Pest side" and the two side were separated by the river Danube (Hungarian: Duna, German: Donau). My hotel was in Pest side, but I crossed the Chain Bridge (Hungarian: Lánchíd) and visited this place on foot. It was quite a nice day to take a stroll around.

Sometimes I splurge a little for a change of pace

I've celebrated my birthday twice in Bangkok, Thailand, once in Unawatuna, Sri Lanka, and once in Giza, Egypt. In Bangkok, I took a river cruiser for a birthday dinner. In Unawatuna, I had a gastronomical feast on a beach with marvelous candlelight. In Giza, I didn't do anything special, but I was just sitting in front of the Pyramids. What a view. Staying at a hotel near the Pyramids cost an arm and a leg obviously, probably it was way more expensive than expected, but I really love my experience. I'm gonna ingrain this for the rest of my time.

The Palace of Fontainebleau

The photo shows the Palace of Fontainebleau (French: Château de Fontainebleau). People able to get there from Paris as a one-day round trip or like that, but I'd say it's not very close. I spent a couple of nights in Paris, and after that headed to Lyon via this beautiful place. Generally, I don't prepare a lot of things before I visit somewhere, so sometimes I knew some historic facts after I left the place. The Palace of Fontainebleau was one of them. When I took this picture, I didn't know that this is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The capital of music Vienna, Austria

I always tell my acquaintances and friends that from my point of view, Vienna, Austria was one of the most picturesque capitals that I've been to. I was impressed with the color of buildings, trees, street lamps, carriages, and all. I'd say Vienna was not gorgeous like Las Vegas, was not fancy like Monaco, but very organized and just stunning. I was amazed at every step even at a public loo. When I went to the loo and put coins to went inside, music started automatically. I don't know much about music, but the music was a match for stunning Vienna. I used the public loo twice.

Paella Valenciana

This is my first authentic Paella which I had in Barcelona, Spain. Valencian Paella (Spanish: Paella Valenciana). Back when I was a college student, I ate Paella at a Spanish restaurant for the first time, and after that, I always wanted to visit Spain to eat authentic paella. It was a long time coming, so after I checked in to my hostal, first thing I did was went out to find a restaurant for my first memorial paella in Spain. My hostal was on Las Ramblas, so it was very easy to did that. The paella was amazing and tasted like my dream came true.

It was a sobering experience

I've been to Berlin, Germany and looked around the city by a coach and on foot. Unfortunately, when I was in Berlin, the weather sucked almost all the time. For example, when I got out of the coach, it poured or like that. When I arrived the place where exactly the photo shows, the weather was okay, but clouded. The Berlin Wall collapsed more than twenty years ago. When I went there, there were only a few parts left. I've heard that it has been left standing as commemorations. I was speechless. It was a sobering experience.

Everything can be done at one's finger tips

How do you choose your hotel? When I went to Los Angeles, the States, I needed to book my hotel in advance because of ESTA. It was my first time to get to the mainland, and I totally didn't know the lay of the land. Los Angeles is huge and I wanted to visit a lot of places. Luckily, I found my favorite type of hotel on the Internet and I booked a hotel room online. Everything could be done at my finger tips. The photo shows a room at the hotel in Hollywood and a bed in the mirror. Staff were helpful and the room was clean. Also, hallways were extraordinary. Great choice of pictures and I loved the atmosphere.

When I skimp on vegetable

This is called Pad Pak Ruam Mit (Thai: ผัดผักรวมมิตร). It's a Thai food and it's kind of like stir-fried vegetables. When I travel abroad, I don't cook and I always eat out. Then, I often realize that I skimp on vegetable. Meat, fish, seafood are okay, but I'd rather eat vegetables and rice. Come to think of it, I often ask about favorite carbs to Caucasians. Someone said potatoes, someone said bread, someone said pasta, but so far no one said rice. How come? Rice is my staple food and I can't live without rice. Anyway, Pad Pak Ruam Mit goes well with rice and full of vegetables. I took this dish at a hotel near the Suvarnabhumi airport.

Elephants in the wild

I've stayed in Inamaluwa, Sri Lanka for a night to visit Sigiriya. There were tourist accommodations right in the middle of so-called "Jungle". I asked my guide to take me to the jungle and took a stroll around for a while. My guide and I were talking about elephants, because he said sometimes wild elephants came to the village and pose serious problems on locals. Out of the blue, we found this. It was actually not a wild elephant, but judging from the situation it looked like an elephant and my guide was totally frightened. I hired him in Negombo, so.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is it a story or a history?

Florence, Italy was breathtaking. I took this picture from Piazzale Michelangelo that the place you can see Florence from above. Also, there was a replica of the statue of David. When I went there, the Brunelleschi's dome (a.k.a. Florence Cathedral) was under restoration, but still. The view of Florence was so stunning. I've heard a story about Brunelleschi's dome from my Italian acquaintance. The story in my memory is like this. When Michelangelo went to Rome to design St. Peter's Basilica, the great architect said that he would build a bigger dome than the Florence Cathedral, but it would not be more beautiful.

Run-of-the-mill person

This is the Prince's Palace of Monaco. I spent for several hours in Monaco and after that I returned to my hotel in Nice, France by coach. Monaco was really stunning and looked quite fancy. Especially a casino's parking lot was fascinating. There were a lot of new high-end cars that most people would kill to have. Some people took pictures of gorgeous view of the parking lot before went into the casino. I must admit, I'm a typical run-of-the-mill person, so almost all things I saw in Monaco was like a daydream for me.

Everything worked out

I love soup and my favorite soup are Tom Yum, Bouillabaisse, and Goulash. The photo shows Goulash soup (German: Gulaschsuppe). I took this dish in Germany. One day, I had a short break before visiting Neuschwanstein castle around noon. It was about time to have a lunch, but I wasn't hungry. However, I knew that if I didn't have anything at the place, I would not be able to have anything till the evening. I was teetering between to have something light or not, but luckily I found a Goulash on the menu. With that, everything worked out.

Feel like a bit of archaeological excursion

This is a view of Agia Triada Church in Athens, Greece. I took this picture while I was visiting Kerameikos to see its fabulous museum and all. On the first day in Athens I visited the Acropolis, then I bought a ticket. I was able to visit some more Athens' archaeological sites using the same ticket and Kerameikos was one of them. I didn't have to visit all places in a day. As everyone knows, the Acropolis was the gigantic one. Compare to the Acropolis the others were not so big, but I enjoyed the nice atmospheres in each site.

Days with temperature below zero

I was in Copenhagen, Denmark in January, so it was quite a nippy out, but there were a lot to see in the city, so I walked around the city energetically. Before I got there, I've never experienced sub-zero temperatures, so I prepared a lot of winter costumes just in case. With that, my suitcase was almost full and a bit heavier than usual. The photo shows Tivoli from outside. My hotel was just a hop, skip, and jump away from this beautiful landscape, so almost all the time I went to somewhere via this place.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

See with one's own eyes

I've been to Unawatuna, Sri Lanka in August 2005 for the first time, and then October 2005 for the second time, and also November 2010 for the third time. So last November, after such a long time when I returned to the beach I couldn't believe my eyes, because the beach was being eaten away and I was just so shocked. As everyone knows, the beach erosion is world's serious problem. I've been hearing about coastal erosion and global warming countless times from international news and all, but I think I had to see it with my own two eyes as much earlier as possible.

Monnickendam, Holland

When I went to Amsterdam, Holland, my hotel was not in Amsterdam. I happened to stay in Monnickendam and went to Amsterdam from there by a coach. It's hard to estimate exact number, but I think Monnickendam was about 10 to 15 kilometers away from the heart of Amsterdam. I'm not sure, but I mean it was not so close, but not too far. It was a cosy beautiful town, actually. There were not so many cars and not so many people, so the town was very quiet and safety. It looked like polar opposite of bustling Amsterdam.

Laotian breakfast, Khao Piak Sen

This is my favorite Laotian rice noodles soup called Khao Piak Sen. I took this tasty breakfast at a place where across from my hotel near Nam Phou in Vientiane. Nam Phou (sometimes it's spelled Namphou) means fountain and is located right in the middle of Vientiane. Vientiane is the capital and also the biggest city in Laos, but I'd say it's a very quiet and relaxing capital. Near Nam Phou, there were massage centers, places for Internet,shops, enough restaurants to eat and drink, various accommodations and all.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Turn a blind eye

I've been to Prague, the Czech Republic from Budapest, Hungary via Slovakia by a train. I went there to see picturesque old town and enjoy good beer and food. The Prague Astronomical Clock is a famous and ever-popular landscape in Prague old town square. Some tourists carried a big heavy camera to take a photo of it. Compare to their gorgeous camera, my camera was much miniature, but generally I manipulate my pictures by Adobe photoshop, so I turned a blind eye to miner problems and enjoyed the city in my own way.

Tom Yum soup goes well with Thai rice

I took this picture at a restaurant near Silom station in Bangkok, Thailand. A milky red Tom Yum is called Tom Yum Kung Nam Khon; sometimes it's spelled Tom Yum Goong Nam Khon (Thai: ต้มยำกุ้งนำ้ข้น) and Thai rice. I love to eat Tom Yum soup with Thai rice. It really matches. A clear spicy Tom Yum is called Tom Yum Kung Nam Sai; sometimes it's called Tom Yum Goong Nam Sai (Thai: ต้มยำกุ้งนำ้ใส) is also my favorite, but recently, Tom Yum Kung Nam Khon is easier to spot. Oh, before I forget, instant Tom Yum Noodles has both of flavors and both of them are nice.

Would you like Tom Yum Nam Sai or Nam Khon?

Chinatown in Bangkok, Thailand, I took one of my favorite Thai cuisine called Tom Yum Kung; sometimes it's spelled Tom Yum Goong (Thai: ต้มยำกุ้ง). Kung or Goong (Thai: กุ้ง) means prawn. Prawns Tom Yum soup has a couple of popular flavors. One of them is called Tom Yum Kung Nam Sai (ต้มยำกุ้งนำ้ใส). It's a traditional one and has clear spicy soup exactly like the photo shows. The other one is called Tom Yum Kung Nam Khon (Thai: ต้มยำกุ้งนำ้ข้น). It's a sort of new flavor, but quite popular right now. It looks like milky red soup, and taste like mild, but rich because of coconut milk. Both of them goes well with Thai rice.

Full of cows

When I went to Bhutan, the country was full of cows. I'd say the number of cows were more than cars. The photo shows one of them. I saw the cow on the way to Wangdue Phodrang from Punakha. The cows were on the roads as well. I remember that my driver needed to stop the car several times because of the cows. I really wanted to see hairy Yaks while I was staying in Bhutan, but it was summer, so Yaks went to higher place to avoid hot weather. Instead of Yak I saw a few Takins and a lot of cows.

Sounds like a plan

I've been to St Goar, Germany twice. The town is nestled in the Rhine valley and is famous for authentic German beer steins. I went to see a beer stein place before I started to drink beer. When I drink beer on tap, I've never chosen my stein. Some places prepare a wide variety of steins and choose the stains depend on the beer brand. I'm not sure, but I've heard that German people keep their own beer stein in their favorite bar and ask bartenders to use it. I don't know the story is true or false, but if it's true, sounds like a plan.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm gonna take a catnap

I love drinking at a poolside bar. On the first evening in Giza, Egypt, I went to my hotel's swimming pool to see the Pyramids and have something special. I asked a bartender if they had alcoholic drinks. Sort of weird question, but I was in Egypt, you know what I mean. Anyway, I chose Mojito to celebrate my birthday eve. There were the Pyramids in front of me, so I lived like a queen for an hour or so. After the Mojito, I backed to my room and had a nap. It would be a catnap, but I couldn't wake up for several hours because of the red-eye flight from Tel Aviv, Israel.

What were the rocks used for?

This is a part of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, the UK. I wanted to take a picture from above, though. Actually, Stonehenge was one of the places to see before I die. Also, I'd love to go to some more interesting places some time and I already titled all of the trips. "Insane in the membrane" - Maho beach, St Martin, "A symbol of unquestioned love" - The Taj Mahal, India, "The place where you can see hairy Yak" - Tibet, North of the Himalayas, "What a view" - Santorini Island, Greece, "Unique Trulli" - Alberobello, Italy, and "Right on the equator" - Quito, Ecuador.

My mind was elsewhere

My first city in Italy was Pisa. I got there from Nice, France by a coach. When I saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa for the first time, I felt something weird. I mean I felt I lost my sense of balance or something like that. I think that was because the Leaning Tower of Pisa was sort of familiar object for me. Before I got there, I saw a lot of pictures and such. However, stand in front of a leaning landscape was my first experience, so I was kind of confused and my mind was elsewhere at the moment. Then, incorrectly I went to the men's loo.

Parade down a street

Like I said, Malmö, Sweden was a really lovely place. I found these well-made statues on a cobblestone lane. They looked like a parade down a street, seems to be sounding a little fanfare. There were not so many people. I guessed that because it was freezing Sunday morning, so people would rather wake up late. I was there as a tourist from a southern country, so I would rather take a stroll around in the cozy Scandinavian city to make a memory. While I was walking, I was wearing a pair of gloves, snow boots, a beanie and such, so I was okay.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is it within walking distance?

After going to the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, Spain, I headed for Park Güell on foot. Sagrada Família and Park Güell were close on the map and I started to walk. On the way to Park Güell, I saw a lot of tourist coaches overtook me, but I continued to walk to see stunning Barcelona from above. From Park Güell, I was able to see whole Barcelona includes Sagrada Família. It was far away, I must admit. After visiting Park Güell I had a fabulous Paella lunch with beer and headed for the nearest metro station. I thought my hostal was in a within walking distance, but I didn't want to walk after drinking beer. So close, but yet so far.