Wednesday, February 9, 2011

By serendipity

This is the best Salisbury Steak I've ever had. I had this great meal and a bottle of Amstel beer in Athens, Greece. The steak was very juicy and had testy melted cheese in it. It was better than a perfect 10. The place was not too far from the old town hall, but it wasn't on the main street. There was a menu on a board in front of the taverna, but you know it was all Greek to me. Back then I was still teetering between to have a lunch at the taverna or not, and I haven't decided yet. Then, a staff came to me and showed me an English menu. In addition, the staff recommended me to see the kitchen and the ingredients before the order. They were really nice and the food was to die for. I was really happy to find an amazing taverna like that.

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