Thursday, February 6, 2014

Banana flower salad: ยำหัวปลี

The photo shows Banana Flower Salad with Fresh Thai Herbs. It's named ยำหัวปลีสมุนไพร in Thai and is shortly called ยำหัวปลี (Pronounciation: Yam Hua Plee). I bought it at Wat Boon Night Bazaar (Thai: ตลาดไนท์บาซ่าร์ วัดบูรพ์) in Nakhon Ratchasima (a.k.a. Korat), Thailand last night for dinner. In my travel experience, banana flower is edible and is used as a vegetable in Thailand and Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, you can see banana flower in curry. In fact, banana flower is considered a very good healthy vegetable in these countries.

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