Thursday, February 13, 2014

Shit was about to hit the fan

I flew in Colombo, Sri Lanka the day before yesterday. This is my 14th country on this long vacation and also this is the 7th time I have visited Sri Lanka. I've been here many times and I have spent 144 days here in the past, so I didn't make special preparations for this trip. I just took a plane from Bangkok, Thailand and waited in a line to get through immigration. Shit was about to hit the fan there. I totally didn't know about the fairly new immigration system in Sri Lanka. Now, almost everybody need a visa and I was the one who had to apply for the ETA in advance. The information came from left field straight from the immigration officer's mouth. To make a long story short, I could manage the horrible situation. Thankfully, I had one of the hard currencies which is payable in cash instead of USD. By the way, my hotel room has a fan on the ceiling. It is very nice sleeping under the fan.

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