Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ayurvedic Balm Siddhalepa

The photo shows Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Balm Siddhalepa. The balm is strongly considered to relieve relatively common health problem such as colds, flu, headaches, muscle pain, swelling, and then some. Price vary by its weight. The small one on the photo weighs 2.5g and cost 25 Sri Lankan Rupees, The large one weighs 50g and cost 220 Sri Lankan Rupees. So now, how come I needed these balm. It's a little embarrassed to say that, but I fell out of the bed on the first day in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka and the left side of my face swelled up like a molehill. The accident happened on the 15th February around zero dark thirty. Yep, it was just a few days ago, but I'm getting better and better due to Siddhalepa. A Sri Lankan local said that the smallest size of Siddhalepa is the most popular here in Sri Lanka, because it's enough to relieve the health problem.

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