Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mr. and Ms. Tourist

The photo shows one of my souvenirs which I bought on Khaosan Road in Bangkok, Thailand this evening. A colourful hat looks like a stupa. I know the things which are sold in the area like here is way more expansive than the things which are sold in many other areas on the map, but I wanted to have one. To be honest, I speak Thai and I tried so hard to negotiate the price in Thai, so don't worry about that. It wasn't that expensive. By the way, I described Khaosan area as "the area like here", can you imagine why? This area is extremely different from normal other areas in Bangkok or all over Thailand. I've been to Thailand 28 times. Someone like me say this area is extremely touristic, then you can trust me can't you? Mark my words. You can be an anonymous faceless tourist here in Khaosan and Rambuttri area, Bangkok, Thailand. Hello, Mr. and Ms. Tourist.

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