Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Have nothing to lose

I found this eye-catching place in stunning Vienna, Austria. The Minoritenkirche (a.k.a. Italian National Church of Mary of the Snows). I don't know much about architecture, but I've heard that it's built in fabulous French Gothic style. It's kind of a worn out expression, but I'd say it's just so nice and beautiful. Like I said, I love to explore abroad without a map, and usually can do so. I don't know for many other people, but it's so much fun to find this like historical site during my adventure by coincidence. When I have time to get lost for a while, I love to do that. I have nothing to lose. It's more like a way to know what I want. Just my two cents. Of course I use a map after the exploring. I need to know where I am, then after that, I take a metro or a bus or something else to back to my hotel.

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