Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rain rain go away, come again another day

This picturesque place is Chester, the UK, and the building is Chester Cathedral. Very beautiful one. When I was in the UK, unfortunately the weather wasn't so nice almost everyday. I mean it was mostly cloudy, and I often had a chance of rain, but when I was in Chester was not the case. I must admit, it was not a perfect weather, but it was much better than my another days in the UK and it was very nice for me to take a stroll around the unique walled city. By the way I've talked about weather with an American guy. We talked about our cultural differences and asked each other what do we do when we want a sunny day tomorrow or what do we do when we want a rainy day. I don't remember what he usually do when he wants a sunny day, but when it came to rain, his answer was hilarious. Wash a car.

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