Sunday, August 21, 2011

You are what you eat

I took this picture at my favorite hotel in Pattaya, Thailand during breakfast. Generally, I eat a lot of spicy food in Thailand, but after the main meal of breakfast some hotels serve a lot of fruits exactly like the photo shows; such as watermelons, papayas, pineapples and so on. Also, fruits are very common there. A wide variety of fruits are available to make frozen drink in Thailand and my favorite is watermelon shakes. It's called Tengmo Pan or Nam Tengmo Pan in Thai (Thai: แตงโมปั่น or นำ้แตงโมปั่น). Tengmo (Thai: แตงโม) means watermelon. A picture of a glass full of watermelon shake is in a previous post at January 26, 2011.

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