Thursday, March 31, 2011

I wish I had a boom mic

The photo shows a front view of St. Vitus Cathedral (a.k.a. Saint Vitus' Cathedral, Czech: Katedrála Svatého Víta) and its rose window. It's located within Prague Castle in the Czech Republic. Very artistic Gothic design. This cathedral was kind of huge and it looked so different from different angle. By the way, when I went to the area there were so many people. It was like a zoo. A lot of tourists were dying to see Changing of the Guard. People made lines and waited for the right moment. I tried to get the best position to see Changing of the Guard and their march, but you know I just gave up. From my position, I was able to see a part of them, but I couldn't take any pictures. If I released the shutter button, the photo would show back of the hundreds people's heads. I wish I had a boom mic or something like that.

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