Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What is it called?

The photo shows a unique vehicle in Lisbon, Portugal. I took this photo from Restauradores Square. I didn't have enough time in Lisbon, I mean I just had only a couple of nights in Lisbon, so it was only opportunity that I've seen this unique shape of vehicle in Lisbon. It seemed like a lot different from normal trams, but something looked like a tram. I'm not sure what is it called, but anyway, I knew I couldn't take a nice photo of it, but I liked the shape of the vehicle, so I bought a beautiful postcard and sent it by myself. The photos on the postcard are the vehicle, Padrão dos Descobrimentos (a.k.a. Monument to the Discoveries) and somewhere breathtaking place in Lisbon. A very nice postcard. I still have it. Thinking back now, sending a postcard by myself sounds a bit ridiculous, but at that moment, I was totally serious.

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