Saturday, May 5, 2012

With a chance of tropical showers

I took this photo in a huge flower garden named Peradeniya Botanical Gardens (a.k.a. Royal flower garden or Royal Botanical Gardens) in outskirts of Kandy, Sri Lanka. Kandy is known for an ancient city of Sri Lanka and one of the must sees around Kandy is the flower garden. I described the flower garden as "huge". That's definitely true. For lack of a better word, but I don't know any other words to describe Peradeniya Botanical Gardens. I couldn't see whole area of the garden obviously, but I've heard that the garden is about 600 square meters. Here, you can see a wide variety of flowers, spices, palm trees and such. If you're really into tropical plants and flowers, one day isn't enough I'd say. Mark my words. I wanna return there on a fine day in the future to see more flowers. When I went there, it was sprinkling. Tropical showers.

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