Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Eight days a week

The photo shows a rice and curry lunch plate at my favorite hotel in Negombo, Sri Lanka. There is a bowl of water on the near upper right corner of the photo. It's not a drinking water, it's used for rinsing my fingers after the lunch. It's called a finger bowl. I'd say a featured stuff on a Sri Lankan dining table. Generally, I eat rice and curry by my right hand do as the Sri Lankan locals do, so I need this. Also, there's a cup of tea. The waiters don't ask me like "Tea or coffee?", they always ask me just "Tea?". It happens all the time in Sri Lanka. In fact, Sri Lanka is formerly named Ceylon, and has huge tea plantation in Nuwara Eliya. They drink tea eight days a week. I was a coffee person, but Sri Lanka changed my liking. Come to think of it, if you take a Sri Lankan airline, you'll be able to enjoy some high quality Sri Lankan tea on the plane as well. It was really nice, so I got some refill.

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