Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It was all much ado about nothing

Here's another gastronomical lunch at a hotel in Negombo, Sri Lanka. During my time in Sri Lanka I woke up around 7:00 a.m. and had Sri Lankan breakfast and tea. From about 9:00 a.m. I went to the beach and enjoyed the sunshine, the monsoon wind and just vegged out on the beach or walked along the shore for a couple of hours or so. After that, I took a water shower at my hotel room and enjoyed a lunch around 1:00 p.m. By the way, full moon day is called Poya day in Sri Lanka. It's a Buddhist public holiday. Almost Sinhalese don't work on Poya days, and drinking alcohol is banned in Sri Lanka. It happens once a month because of the full moon. Before I get to Sri Lanka for the first time, I was very worried about it. I'm a beer addict, so I was thinking aimlessly like "Oh boy. How can I do without beer?" However, it was all much ado about nothing. I really love Sri Lanka including Poya days. There's no other place quite like a Utopian island, Sri Lanka.

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