Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wine is my Kryptonite

I'm a beer addict; I don't care that it's another way to say alcoholic or not whatever, but what I'm trying to say today is about wine. Wine is my Kryptonite. Beer makes me happy, but wine turns my face red easily, and sometimes it gives me a serious type of headache or horrible kind of hangover, so I can't stand that. However, according to an Italian guy, when we drink red wine we'd better eat Parmigiano-Reggiano (a.k.a. Parmesan cheese) together to avoid to have a terrible hangover in the next morning. I ordered some red wine in Rome to enjoy my own Roman Holiday and it was no problem. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In that case, wine wasn't my Kryptonite in Italy, but I think it was an exception or something like that. I'll need to be more careful when it comes to wine.

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