Friday, July 16, 2010

Peradeniya Botanical Gardens in Kandy, Sri Lanka

One of the must see sights in Kandy, Sri Lanka is a huge flower garden named Peradeniya Botanical Gardens (a.k.a. Royal flower garden or something like that). Kandy is known for an ancient city of Sri Lanka and has a lot of great important histories for Sinhalese. When I arrived in Kandy, I thought that the city was not so bustle, and as quiet as a mouse. I don't really know how I can describe clearly, but I'd say Kandy has a different appeal from Colombo. I went to the flower garden to see a lot of tropical plants and flowers. It was such a huge, gigantic garden that I needed to go to a loo during my stay in the garden. I was totally blown away, because first of all I was thinking that going to the flower garden was a kind of quick stop before check-in to my hotel, but the garden attracted me a lot. I ended up spending for a long time in the awesome beautiful garden which has a ton of can't-miss things. It's worth going. Seeing is believing.

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