Saturday, July 10, 2010

The train was about to leave

This is my last photo in Budapest, Hungary. I took this shot on the train that ready to headed for Prague, the Czech Republic. It would be a long journey, so I prepared some snack and a couple of tallboy beer cans. Obviously, the beer weren't enough for seven hours train ride, but there was no fridge on the train, so I thought sometimes less is more. It was an interesting experience crossing borders by train in Europe. After the train left Budapest, a guy opened the door of my compartment and said "Hello, I'm Hungarian. Passport please." He totally blindsided me, but after that I got used to show my passport to an immigration officer on the Euro Rail. Later, a Slovakian and a Czech Republican officers came to my compartment one after another. They said hello to me and stumped on my passport. That was so much fun. They were wearing different national characteristic uniforms. I was wondering where they were sitting on the train; I mean in the same compartment or the different one?

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