Sunday, July 31, 2011


I took this picture in Vientiane, Laos at dusk. I enjoyed Beer Lao with a short-distance view of Thailand on the other side of the Mekong river. The Mekong is the border of Laos with Thailand. You can enjoy the sunset over the Mekong river in Laos side. Beware of mosquitoes. Mark my words. Anyway, I didn't eat anything at this place. I just enjoyed the view and a bottle of Beer Lao and went bar-hopping. For a midnight snack, I chose a chicken sub and French fries with Lao seasoning. The dish went well with Beer Lao.


  1. Well that's a cool way to start a night of bar-hopping. I take it that there are also lots of bars to go to there. Beer Lao seems to be interesting. Is it strong or does it have that crisp beer taste?

  2. Beer Lao is not so strong, but compare to European beer, I'd say Asian beer has sort of a strong taste and Beer Lao is no exception. It really goes well with spicy Laotian food. I love it.
