Sunday, July 17, 2011

Florence Cathedral

The photo shows a part of the world-famous Florence Cathedral (a.k.a. Brunelleschi's dome) in Florence, Italy. I've heard a story about this beautiful cathedral from my Italian acquaintance. From what I remember, he said that when Michelangelo went to Rome to design St. Peter's Basilica, Michelangelo said that he would build a bigger dome than the Florence Cathedral, but it would not be more beautiful than the Florence Cathedral. According to my acquaintance, the great architect meant that the Florence Cathedral was the most beautiful. I'm not sure it's a story or history, but I love stories and I liked the episode, so I believed it. Anyway, this is a cathedral and it's called Duomo in Italian. I'm no expert, but the dome is designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, so the Florence Cathedral is called Brunelleschi's dome as well.

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